Partnerships with Department of Wildlife Conservation and Partnerships with the local community

Federation of Environmental Organisations partnered with the Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC), the governmental department which oversees maintaince of national parks, nature reserves, and wildlife in wilderness areas in Sri Lanka. Lunugamvehera National Park is directly under their management, therefore granting of permission from the DWC was essential. Removal of the focal invasive plants was conducted under the supervision and security of the DWC.


In addition to our invasive species removal programme, part of the project focuses on developing sustainable livelihoods of the local communities. The hired labour was drawn from local communities who have lost their income sources due to the COVID-19 pandemic from local farming communities, and many of which were daily wage workers. This new partnership between the Park and the local community also fosters an attitudinal shift from one of conflict with the Park to one where they can financially benefit from and being involved in the protection of the Park. Local community members involved in the project were also given awareness training on invasive species control.

  • Past interactions of FEO with DWC and completion of successful projects for the DWC
  • Trust gained with the local communities due to providing them with employment over time.
  • Willingness to work together with the community to improve their livelihoods.
  • Ensure that you have adequate funding before the commencement of the project in order to ensure continuous employment
  • Commence processes to obtain necessary approvals from government agencies like the DWC early on as there can be long delays to obtain them.