1) Land-use Planning (baseline requirement).

This strand, the first to be developed, proposes to prepare a planning work that takes into account both production needs (current and future) and the context in which they are carried out. It requires visualization, through field and cabinet work (development of a GIS), of the characteristics of the landscape where the production is developed :environmental units, water basins, sectors under production, actual or planned infrastructure, critical or interesting habitats for nature conservation, topography, environmental and social environment of the property, local demographic pressures, connection of the territory with the categories of the Land-use Planning of Native Forests of the Province (OTBN for Argentina), other land-use regulations, etc.

Having wild areas within the property and connected to other neighboring wild areas. Also, the willingness and openness of the owner/s for planning their territory in a consensual way.

From these first 10 years of experience applying the PPP concept in different territories in northern Argentina and Paraguay, we have several lessons learned: a) the need to identify valid stakeholders and to generate bonds of trust with them; b) to clearly identify the environmental values that are primarily to be protected; c) to interpret the genuine needs for productive growth; d) the need to build a relationship between "partners" rather than "service providers"; and the willingness to accompany and/or face the public jointly.