Conducting vulnerability study

The vulnerability study follows the methodology of the GIZ Vulnerability Sourcebook which uses the vulnerability definition by the AR4 of the IPCC. As a starting point, temperature and precipitation in six focus regions in Madagascar were analysed and climate project maps were created. They served as a basis for the impact analysis. In three interregional workshops, impact chains and adaptation measures were developed by private, public, and civil society actors of the aquaculture sector. In a national workshop these findings were shared and verified. Fish farmers in the Highlands and on the east coast participated in capacity building activities on climate change adaptation.

Overall, the results revealed a high vulnerability of the freshwater aquaculture sector in all six focus regions in Madagascar. The models predict a significant reduction of rainfall, an increase of the number of days without rain and more frequent extreme weather events until 2060. More cyclones (and more intense cyclones) imply flood and erosion and a siltation of rice fields. More frequent and longer droughts lead to a lack of water, shorter production cycles and delays in the fish farming season. Furthermore, extreme weather events can create “panic sales” at low prices which affects the economic performance of fish farmers. 


Adapted to the country specific contexts, different measures are being used for the GP Fish’s intervention areas. However, the procedure is similar, starting with studying the individual effects of climate change to the region, piloting mitigation strategies to curb them and then implementing the most effective solutions.

In 2022, the GP Fish conducted a vulnerability study for the freshwater aquaculture sector in Madagascar on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, BMZ). Public, private, and society actors of the sector reflected jointly on the impacts of climate change and developed adaptation measures for pond farming and rice-fish culture. 

Moreover, in cooperation with the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the former Sectoral Programme for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, the project researched and implemented measures to protect fish farmers from the total loss of fish stock due to extreme weather events through intermittent harvest.
The aquaculture adaptations were applied and supported through training and consulting services, accompanied by additional activities like the implementation of a mobile phone-based climate information system.

2. Inclusivity in Decision-Making

A participatory project committee process and platforms like the SMAG ensured diverse stakeholders, including government, NGOs, and local communities, contributed ideas. This inclusive approach empowered all participants to have a say in shaping activities, fostering collaboration and accountability. Inclusivity built trust and reinforced the outcomes of the needs assessment by incorporating a wide range of perspectives into project planning and execution.

1. Participatory Needs Assessment

This foundation block ensured the project was community-driven by identifying priorities such as beekeeping and training. By aligning project goals with the Chimanimani Climate Change and Watershed Management Policy and ward development plans, the project reflected community aspirations and offered a framework to guide interventions. This process provided a strong, participatory baseline for project design upon which the project success was built on.

Engagement of Men and Boys in addressing GBV in the Fisheries Sector.

This building block emphasizes the critical role of engaging men and boys in addressing GBV within the fisheries sector. Recognizing that gender equality requires collaboration between men and women, this initiative targets the predominantly male-dominated fisheries sector to foster a more inclusive and supportive environment. By involving men ie: fishermen, law enforcer, male stakeholders, landowners, transportation providers, and traditional leaders—in awareness raising, training, and GBV Watch Committees, the intervention seeks to transform negative attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate GBV, including exploitative sex-for-fish practices. It also leverages the influence of traditional leaders to drive societal change, ensuring that men play an active role in avoiding backlach and safeguarding women and addressing the interconnected challenges of resource depletion, illegal fishing, and GBV. 

  1. Inclusive Approach - Ensuring that men and boys are actively included in interventions, such as training and GBV Watch Committees, to foster collaboration and shared responsibility.
  2. Engagement with Influential Men - Involving traditional and religious leaders, teachers, and fisheries officers, fishermen and law enforcers as agents of change to drive community-wide transformation.
  3. Respecting Cultural Dynamics - Gaining the buy-in of traditional leaders by respecting their roles and aligning interventions with local governance systems.
  4. Awareness and Capacity Building - Raising awareness among men about the impact of GBV and providing them with tools to address it within their roles as resource and tradition custodians and community leaders.
  1. Collaboration Is Essential: Addressing GBV effectively requires working with both men and women, as men are often key decision-makers and actors in the fisheries sector.
  2. Cultural Sensitivity Matters: Engaging traditional leaders takes time and patience but is critical for securing their support and using their influence to enact change.
  3. Systematic Inclusion Yields Results: Including men in GBV Watch Committees and training sessions has fostered shared responsibility and reduced resistance to interventions.
  4. Sustained Engagement Is Needed: Changing perceptions and behaviors among men requires continuous awareness and reinforcement to ensure long-term impact.
  5. Sector Integration Is Key: Fisheries officers, while primarily tasked with technical duties, can play a significant role in addressing GBV once sensitized and empowered.
Establishment of community level GBV Response Mechanism

The GBV Response mechanism at community level was establish to prevent and respond to the GBV cases and fishing illegalities which occours in the fisheries sector due to the lack of reporting structures and long distances from the fishing communities to the formal GBV response structures through the establishment of GBV Watch Committees. The GBV Watch Commitees provide awareness in the fishing camp and fishing communities about the exploitative sex for fish practices. They also respond to GBV disclosures at community level, the committees also link survivors to proffessional services and operate as safe space in the community among other functions. 

  1. Engaging communities in establishing and managing GBV Watch Committees ensures community ownership and fosters trust, and sustainability.
  2. Capacity building and training of the committees and raising community awareness strengthen GBV prevention and response in the fisheries sector.
  3. Connecting committees with formal services ensures survivors receive holistic support.
  4. Integrating GBV committees into policies for further institutional support enhances their effectiveness and legitimacy.
  1. Local mechanisms to bridge structural gaps are essential where formal GBV structures are lacking.
  2. Leveraging local and traditional knowledge and adapting to their ways ensures community resilience and sustainable outcomes.
  3. Addressing cross-sectoral approaches such as GBV and environmental/climate issues together achieves a broader impact.
  4. Collaboration matters when resource-owning communities and partners work together and the results delivered are more impactful.
  5. Financing partners do not need to impose what they wish from the resource-owning communities, results may only last as much as the intervention lasts.
Delopment of the SIREN App

This building block is to explain how I developped an App that allow fishers to contribute to marine science knowledge in Africa. 

Initially we gave fishers a pre-printed form to report opportunistic sightings they encountered. However, the form was getting lost most of the time. 

We decided to move to a digital solution. The existing App by then required internet to work and was just too complicated for fishers. So we thought we shoud develop an App that will be more userfriendly for fishers. 

We wrote the  algorithm (workflow) of the App and then contracted an Indian development company to write the code. 

Later we had to bring the development of SIREN back to Cameroon to reduce the cost of developement. 

We work with volunteer around the world that will continuously support with the development of the SIREN

  • passion and determination
  • availability of seed fund to develop an initial version of the SIREN App
  • Collaboration with local App developpers
  • Extending the collaboration to international volunteers 
  • understand
  • The first developper company I contracted for the development of SIREN was a foreign company based in India. The cost of develpment was very high and there was a lot of miscomunication due to language barriers. When we started working with local developpers, the cost of development decreased importantly and it was easier to communicate.
  • Before giving a smarphone to fisher for data collection you must develop a trust relationship with him before otherwise the phone will never be used by the fisher to report sightings.
Mitigate biodiversity loss

Conserving ecosystems is key to curbing climate change, and maintaining ecosystem services, which are closely linked to over 50% of the world’s GDP. Over 1 million species face the threat of extinction this century: however, selecting which areas to conserve is challenging with the existing data gap, which is biased towards observations in the global north. Increasing the amount of biodiversity data in the Global South is critical in the conservation of endangered species, found at high density in biodiversity hotspots in the Global South. Amphibians are ideal for acoustic identification due to their diverse vocalizations and are crucial ecosystem indicators (Estes-Zumpf et al., 2022), with over 40% of species at risk of extinction (Cañas et al., 2023). Increasing labeled data for the more than 7,000 amphibian species worldwide would enhance conservation efforts and reduce knowledge gaps in vulnerable ecosystems. By using a citizen science platform to aide in the mitigation of biodiversity loss, we help establish local environmental stewardship of these critical habitats.

Other citizen apps have shown the potential that citizen science has on mitigating biodiversity loss. eBird, the largest citizen science project related to biodiversity, has 100 million bird observations from users around the world. These observations help to "document the distribution, abundance, habitat use and bird trends through collected species list, within a simple scientific framework." (Sánchez-Clavijo et. al., 2024).  

iNaturalist, another citizen science app, that uses computer vision algorithms for species identification, has also proven successful in mitigating biodiversity loss. To date, the app has over 200,000,000 observations, with 6 million observations per month, globally. On iNaturalist, research-grade observations are shared with GBIF, which in turn uses that knowledge for policy decisions, research, and community building (GBIF, 2023). 

Currently, our app identifies 71 species of frogs and toads, worldwide. Though many of them are identified as least concern (LC) under the IUCN, we do have one IUCN endangered species, the Southern Bell Frog (Ranoidea raniformis). This lack of threatened species included, underscores the need for diverse practitioners to participate in bioacoustic ecological monitoring. Increasing data points on vulnerable species can serve to inform policy decisions using data-driven insights. 

  • Closing data gaps: get more data from citizen scientists.
  • Enabling environmental stewardship: accessibility to a diverse set of users.

We initially set a goal to decrease data gaps in the Global South. However, getting access to enough calls for rare, cryptic, and endangered species in the Global South to train our model proved to be challenging. Therefore, to improve model performance, we turned our attention to as many species as we could tackle, worldwide. Getting users engaged worldwide will lead to more recordings in data-poor regions like the Global South, allowing us to retrain our model in the future with increased data on endangered, rare, and cryptic species. 

The sensitivity map

Process of drawing up a gradient of biodiversity and speleological heritage to mining, which reflects increasing levels of vulnerability of conservation targets. We used Systematic Conservation Planning tools and concepts such as complementarity, representativeness, efficiency, irreplaceability, and vulnerability to generate the information behind the sensitivity of biodiversity. The biodiversity sensitivity map summarizes information on the components of biodiversity and geodiversity that are sensitive to the impacts of mineral exploration activities, such as their biological and ecological characteristics and the landscape factors that influence their distribution. In addition, a list of conservation targets is generated with the components of biodiversity and geodiversity that are eligible as conservation targets because they are sensitive to the chronic and acute impacts of mining. The targets could become even more vulnerable if preventive and impact mitigation measures were not adopted. Its realization depends on the systematization and construction of a wide variety of information on species, environmental variables and land use. It is a collaborative process that requires the participation of specialists and researchers to gather and validate the results.It is also the stage in which more information generated from the assessment of the risk of extinction of fauna species produced by ICMBio and Flora, under the responsibility of the Centro Nacional de Conservação da Flora (CNCFlora)  are incorporated into the tool. From this perspective, the process is a clear example of the application of scientific and participatory knowledge together with government management information around a common objective of environmental conservation and impact mitigation.

Access to specialist knowledge through coordination with the National Centers for Research and Conservation of Fauna (ICMBio), access to the Biodiversity Extinction Risk Assessment System – SALVE (, which stores occurrence records validated by taxonomic experts, and coordination with the Centro Nacional de Conservação da Flora (CNCFlora) (  to identify targets for Flora conservation.

The construction of the tool contributed to the improvement of participatory methods, considering that the involvement of different actors in the discussion and elaboration of PRIM Mining is crucial to guarantee transparency in the processes of defining targets and analysis parameters, increasing the reliability, robustness and scope of the results.

Democratization of data

Ribbit's approach to data democratization represents a carefully curated process of citizen-driven scientific contribution. By leveraging existing public datasets from iNaturalist sounds and Anuraset, the application establishes a robust foundation for acoustic biodiversity monitoring. These initial datasets provide a comprehensive baseline for machine learning training, ensuring high-quality initial models for anuran identification.

The application's innovative data collection strategy goes beyond gathering information, implementing a rigorous quality control process for user-contributed data. Each citizen-submitted recording will undergo careful verification before potential contribution to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). This approach transforms passive data collection into an active, collaborative scientific process where citizens can meaningfully contribute to conservation research.

Critically, Ribbit maintains stringent data privacy and protection protocols. Recognizing the sensitive nature of ecological data, particularly regarding rare species and precise location information, the application implements strict user consent mechanisms. No user data will be shared or distributed without explicit, informed approval from the contributor, protecting both ecological subjects and citizen scientists' privacy.


  • Accessible technology: web app runs on desktop and mobile devices, and users may upload their data when no Internet is available. 
  • Robust quality control mechanisms: advanced evaluation of scientific quality recordings.
  • Ethical data governance: prioritization of user privacy and ecological sensitivity.

When starting this project, we were aware of the anuran biodiversity data gap in the global south. However, we were surprised that as we attempted increase accessibility of our application and add qualitative data, there was a gap in language representation. Currently, our project is available in four languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic),  increasing accessibility. We used the Wikipedia API to obtain general information about our species in these four languages, and noticed that while there was an abundance of data in English and Arabic, the information available was sparse in Spanish and even more sparse in Portuguese. Therefore, we envision a  future challenge will involve engaging diverse scientists, such as Spanish and Portuguese speaking scientists, to decrease the "Wikipedia data gap". Addressing this gap will be a crucial act in further democratizing and increasing accessibility of our solution.