Haenggung Village Cooperative Association

The local residents who were previously excluded from the various cultural tourism activities and festivals centering on the World Heritage property started to independently host village activities and built up their capacities for delivering and managing events. 

The initial residents group started to participate in the operations of the Suwon Heritage Night Walks in 2017 as traffic control staff. As the number of festivals that were hosted to celebrate Suwon Hwaseong as World Heritage increased, such as the Hwaseong by Night, World Heritage Festival, and Media Art Shows, the number of jobs available for the residents also increased. 

The Haenggung Village Cooperative Association was established on 31 May 2021 and it consists of 46 members. The main line of work is creating content and activities for visitors. 
The association is composed of 4 sub-groups each named “jigi”, which in the Korean language means friends: 

  • Haenggungjigi, who focuses on providing event support, information, sanitation and the operation of activities; 
  • Donghaengjigi, a group that creates the content and stories of the village tours; 
  • Surajigi that promotes and shares research and education on food; 
  • Cheongnyeonjigi, the group that monitors and conducts evaluations of activities. 

It was key to create jobs that could best optimize the capacities of the local residents. The division of work between members of Haenggungjigi, Donghaengjigi, Surajigi and Cheongnyeonjigi was fundamental to organize the work. 

Lastly, all residents participating in these activities had to complete a mandatory training.

Through the cooperative association that based itself on the experience of creating village activities, diverse jobs that could be directly linked to the capacities of the local residents were set up. These included positions such as event operation staff, information officers, cooks, and conducting baseline research. This made a big transition as the residents who were previously neither part of nor benefitting from the festivals could now directly be involved and be paid for their contributions. 

The mandatory training for the residents who wanted to participate increased the overall capacities of the local residents and boosted their understanding of World Heritage, local values and  the importance of local participation. 


Cross-cutting partnerships were the basis for the glocal achievement. Initially, in partnership with the World Bank, partner that supported the development of the documents and agreed with IUCN that as the WB was phasing out IUCN could/should continue with the process as a reliable partner - this included co-funding one staff member for 6 months so the staff member could represent both entities until document development closure. Then by partnering with WWF and WCS, for their direct contribution with biodiversity data for the PNDT and the MSP - with a focus on WCS and the National Biodiversity database that was fully integrated in the above referred documents. Partnerships extended to all planning and conservation partners by maintaining a continuous information sharing system to ensure streamlined knowledge, support, understanding and engagement.

The principal partnership to be refer reports again to the Government. Good governance and policy making in a country is the Government's role and mandate. For policies to be improved or adopt it requires Government decision. And it requires also a transparent, reliable and efficient dialogue and capacities from the contributing partner. And this is where IUCN delivered at its best and expanded this engagement to its members.


IUCN´s membership role, IUCN´s dialogue and skills competencies, trusted partner to the Government.

Understanding of the subject and availability of skilled staff, membership and partners regularly informed and the capacity to build a common voice, a common force, capacity and openness for joint and complimentary planning with the network. Avoid single voice and multiple positioning.

Data collection using racing yachts for onboard sampling and deployment of drifter buoys

Beyond facilitating access to hard-to-reach locations, sailboats also provide useful modes of transport for deploying scientific instrumentation. The boats can carry scientific equipment, both for deployment in the ocean, but also for continual measurement by sensors that are permanently onboard. The race boats’ speed means that data from different locations can be captured across short timespans, something which is not achievable by most research vessels. Yachts can also be used to pilot and test new research technology and techniques, such as technology that allows results to be shared in real-time, and the OceanPack – a device which records essential ocean data from aboard the yachts. 


In a racing context, carrying devices that take meteorological measurements is not only beneficial for science partners, but also for the race participants themselves, as it helps to inform and improve weather forecasts that will impact their own decision-making and performances throughout the race. 


Using racing yachts for data collection paves the way for the installation and deployment of measuring devices on other vessels such as fishing or commercial boats, as well as other sailing boats. 



  • Sensors and scientific instrumentation can be installed on sailing boats.
  • The high speeds that are achievable by sailing yachts enable the collection of data across short time spans.
  • Boats can reach specific locations to deploy drifter buoys or Argo floats.

Scientific devices were originally designed for use on large research or commercial vessels. This presented some technical challenges regarding their use and installation aboard racing yachts which falls beyond the scope of their intended applications. As the boats are racing yachts the devices needed to be resilient and also light.

Challenges included operating sampling devices in an environment where there is fluctuating power supply, constant exposure to corrosive humidity, and where operators (i.e. teams and athletes) face immense physical (and psychological) stresses. This meant the devices needed to be user-friendly and simple to operate so that individuals with little specialised training could use them effectively and efficiently under stressful and pressurised conditions. The Ocean Race is collaborating with manufacturers to advance the technology and enhance its reliability for future uses.

Bamboo Training and Capacity Building

Building Block 5 focuses on the provision of various bamboo trainings by Forests4Future to support different aspects of the bamboo value chain in their intervention zone. These trainings are essential as enabling factors for the success and sustainability of the bamboo-related activities undertaken by the project. Forests4Future provides both financial and technical assistance in organizing and implementing these trainings. Since the start of the project, Forests4Future has conducted multiple bamboo trainings tailored to specific needs, for example:

  1. Bamboo propagation: Trainings on bamboo propagation are provided to tree nurseries to ensure the successful propagation of bamboo seedlings for plantation establishment.
  2. Bamboo plantation/stand management and harvesting: These trainings cover various aspects of bamboo plantation management, including planting techniques, maintenance practices, pest and disease management, and sustainable harvesting methods.
  3. Bamboo hot water treatment: This training is essential for bamboo processing units to learn proper techniques for treating bamboo with hot water, enhancing its durability and quality for further processing into products

By offering these diverse trainings, Forests4Future aims to build the capacity and skills of local stakeholders involved in the bamboo value chain. This contributes to improved productivity, product quality, and overall sustainability of bamboo-related activities. Moreover, these trainings empower local communities to actively participate in and benefit from the economic and environmental opportunities presented by bamboo cultivation and utilization.

  1. Training Resources: Access to qualified trainers, materials, and facilities is crucial for effective bamboo trainings.
  2. Community Engagement: Involvement of local stakeholders enhances learning outcomes and ownership of skills.
  3. Continuous Learning: Follow-up sessions and peer networks reinforce training impact.
  4. Local Adaptation: Customizing content to suit local needs improves training effectiveness.
  5. Monitoring: Regular evaluation and participant feedback inform program improvements.
  1. Tailored Training Programs: Designing training programs that are tailored to the specific needs and skill levels of participants enhances learning outcomes and practical application of knowledge.
  2. Hands-on Training: Incorporating hands-on, practical exercises and demonstrations in training sessions improves engagement and retention of learning.
  3. Community Empowerment: Empowering local communities to take ownership of training initiatives and become trainers themselves fosters sustainability and scalability of capacity-building efforts.
  4. Partnerships and Collaboration: Collaborating with local institutions, organizations, and experts in bamboo-related fields enhances the quality and reach of training programs.
  5. Feedback Mechanisms: Establishing effective feedback mechanisms, such as surveys, focus groups, and evaluation forms, enables continuous improvement of training content, delivery methods, and overall impact.
Bamboo Plantation Establishment and Restoration

Forests4Future's Building Block 2 focuses on supporting associated groups in communal land with erosion gullies to establish bamboo plantations. The seedlings for the plantations are sourced from local nurseries, as detailed in Building Block 1. As the bamboo reaches a certain growth stage, it can be harvested and sold to local bamboo processing units (PU), which then transform the raw material into valuable products, as discussed in Building Block 4. This approach not only promotes sustainable income generation for the community but also contributes to the restoration of degraded land. Bamboo's soil-protecting capacity plays a crucial role in long-term restoration efforts, particularly in areas vulnerable to erosion or already highly degraded like the Lake Abaya and Chamo catchment areas. Erosion and sedimentation pose significant threats to local farmers and fishers, making the restoration efforts with bamboo essential for protecting soils and ensuring future income opportunities for the communities.  

  1. Community Engagement: Raising awareness and local support for bamboo plantations.
  2. Technical Assistance: Essential expertise in bamboo cultivation and management.
  3. Market Access: Building strong value chains for steady income from bamboo products.
  4. Policy Support: Favorable policies for sustainable forestry and income generation.
  1. Site Selection: Careful consideration of site conditions, such as soil type, water availability, and slope, is crucial for successful bamboo plantation establishment.
  2. Species Selection: Choosing appropriate bamboo species that are well-suited to local climatic and soil conditions is important for achieving optimal growth and productivity.
  3. Training and Capacity Building: Continuous training and capacity-building programs for farmers and plantation workers are essential for enhancing skills and knowledge in bamboo cultivation and management.
  4. Land Use Rights: Securing land use rights is essential for sustainability and effective resource management in the restored area.
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular monitoring and evaluation of plantation performance, including growth rates, yield, and environmental impacts, are necessary for making informed management decisions and optimizing outcomes (as part of the post-planting management activities).
Developing the official documents for institutionalization process.

The institutionalization process of the WIOMN required the registration and the strengthening of the Network. In addition, the process required the development of a number of documents such as the administration manuals and operation procedures. In doing so, WWF recruited the experts to support the WIOMN throughout the completion of the process. 

The regular communication between 

Alignment capacity building and policy influencing to get best practice mangrove restoration embedded

Based on the success of CBEMR training in Lamu, area KFS officers identified the need to spread this knowledge to the KFS managerial team and senior policy-level managers from KFS headquarters, county forest conservators from the 5 coastal counties of Kwale, Kilifi, Mombasa, Tana River, and Lamu and their forest managers, and lecturers from Kenya school of forestry. 

We organised a CBEMR managerial training, drawing in KFS managers, all coastal county department of Environment directors, and representatives from universities, the Western Indian Ocean Mangrove Network and local media. 

As a result, the team agreed to incorporate the CBEMR approach in the proposed Kenya mangrove restoration technical order. Furthermore, it was agreed to develop a national mangrove restoration platform to standardise mangrove management and conservation, especially for restoration projects. 

Kenya is also developing national mangrove restoration guidelines, supported by Wetlands International and WWF Kenya. It builds on the Global Best Practice Guidelines on Mangrove Restoration developed by the Global Mangrove Alliance amongst others, led by WI and CI in collaboration with dozens of scientists. 

Policy Formulation: National-level forest managers should be engaged in local/county based restoration initiatives to aid in the development of mangrove forest policies. For instance, based on the success of the first CBEMR training in Lamu, area KFS officers identified the need to spread this knowledge to the KFS managerial team and senior policy-level managers from KFS headquarters, county forest conservators from the 5 coastal counties of Kwale, Kilifi, Mombasa, Tana River, and Lamu and their forest managers, and lecturers from Kenya school of forestry. 

A CBEMR managerial training was therefore undertaken in September 2023, drawing in KFS managers, all coastal county department of Environment directors, and representatives from universities, the Western Indian Ocean Mangrove Network and local media. The team agreed to incorporate the CBEMR approach in the proposed Kenya mangrove restoration technical order and develop a national mangrove restoration platform to standardise mangrove management and conservation, especially for restoration projects. 

Disseminate CBEMR knowledge through awareness initiatives by CBEMR Champions

Kuto/Cherono/Elizabeth, please add a description of this step 

Local Knowledge and Participation: CBEMR champions create awareness, assist in capacity building, undertake actual restoration activities, monitor restoration activities, and conduct ecological and social assessments, among other roles. 

Establishment of a CBEMR demonstration site for learning and research purposes in Lamu

Using data from the Global Mangrove Watch platform, we’ve been working with the KFS to identify 93.2 ha of potential restoration sites in Lamu. In partnership with the KFS we launched a demonstration site in the Kitangani area to address the underlying hydrological challenges which hinder natural mangrove regeneration and restore the environmental conditions such as soil, oxygen and nutrient quality, allowing for natural regeneration. 

Monitoring after six months showed clear improvement, with free-flowing water and visible signs of regrowth. This shows how successful correctly applied Ecological Mangrove Restoration approaches can be. This impactful restoration effort holds great promise for the revival of the degraded Kitangani mangrove ecosystem.


Resource Gaps: Restoring mangroves requires significant investment in terms of time and financial resources, particularly in areas that have changed considerably. Stakeholders therefore need to take a long-term view of restoration initiatives and consolidate their resources and efforts. 

A unique racecourse that provides access to geographically extreme and data-sparse areas across the planet’s oceans

The underlying premise for The Ocean Race – racing to circumnavigate the world – means that the race naturally takes competitors to some of the most remote areas in the world. This makes it a unique platform for undertaking scientific research as it gives scientists access to remote areas, such as the Southern Ocean around Antarctica, that would otherwise rarely be accessible. Ships sailing outside of regular shipping routes play an essential role in the ability to deploy scientific instrumentation, such as the drifter buoys and Argo floats that are deployed during the race, across under-sampled locations. This affords rare opportunities for gathering data from parts of the planet where little information has been recorded, making the Race a crucial platform for collecting data that is otherwise unattainable and filling data gaps, contributing to furthering our understanding of our oceans. 


  • The underlying premise for The Ocean Race – circumnavigating the world as fast as possible – means that the race will invariably take boats to areas that are infrequently sailed. 
  • The design of the race route (race legs, race stopovers, etc.) will determine where boats go.
  • Sailing race boats allow access to some of the planet’s most remote seas as well as areas outside common shipping and research routes.

The race’s route, with stopovers in different countries, presented logistical challenges regarding the transportation of scientific equipment to stopover ports as well as the shipment of samples, material, and instruments back to scientific partners. For example, shipments were subject to varying import conditions and customs duties depending on their country of origin and destination. 


Working with local scientific institutions helped with equipment, transporting the equipment on person and working diligently with customs before, during and after transport. Logistics for an international science experiment needs to be well planned out in advance and all admin done in advance regarding shipment of equipment and samples etc.