Trust Building

Trust-building is essential for an effective feedback mechanism, ensuring stakeholders feel safe raising concerns. Without trust, people may hesitate to report issues due to fear of retaliation or inaction, undermining the system’s purpose.

As stakeholders see their concerns addressed, trust deepens, leading to greater participation and stronger relationships between communities and conservation partners. Over time, this trust improves conflict resolution and increases local support for conservation efforts.

Accessibility and confidentiality are key. Secure lock boxes in each zone allow safe, confidential submissions, encouraging participation. Impartiality is also crucial. The multi-organization response team, which includes representation from Frankfurt Zoological Society, the Chitimbwa Iyendwe Conservation Project, and Zambia’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife FZS, reassures stakeholders that feedback and grievances will be handled fairly.

Consistent communication and follow-ups further strengthen trust. Keeping complainants informed about progress and resolutions demonstrates commitment. Transparency, including sharing general grievance outcomes in meetings, reinforces confidence.

Building trust in the feedback mechanism requires consistent engagement, transparency, and responsiveness. Early on, accessibility proved critical - placing lock boxes in multiple zones ensured community members could submit concerns easily and confidentially. However, initial lack of awareness limited participation, highlighting the need for repeated sensitization meetings to explain the process and reassure people of confidentiality.

Impartiality was another key lesson. By involving multiple organizations (FZS, DNPW and CICP) in the review team, the mechanism gained credibility, reducing fears of bias. Timely responses were also essential; delays in addressing grievances risked eroding confidence, emphasizing the importance of clear timelines and interim updates.

Additionally, managing expectations was necessary. Not all concerns could be resolved immediately, and some fell outside of the NTCP’s mandate. The set up of the mechanism stipulated that such issues were to be passed onto relevant bodies such as the Zambia police (no serious grievances requiring this action have been received to date). Communicating what the mechanism could and couldn’t address helped maintain trust. Ultimately, transparency, follow-through, and ongoing dialogue proved vital in ensuring the community viewed the process as fair and reliable.

Building block 1 – Title * [255] Transparency with communities

The feedback mechanism increases transparency by providing a structured, accessible, and confidential way for community members to voice concerns or share feedback. With lock boxes placed in four zones, individuals can submit feedback without needing to travel or fear retaliation. A multi-organization response team ensures impartial review, demonstrating accountability and reducing perceptions of bias. Regular feedback reviews and community meetings provide updates on how concerns are addressed, reinforcing trust in the process and strengthening community confidence in conservation efforts.

Transparency in the feedback mechanism is ensured through accessibility, impartiality, and accountability. Lock boxes in four zones allow confidential submissions, ensuring community voices are heard. A multi-organization response team ensures fair reviews, while regular meetings provide updates on actions taken. The project’s constitution guides decision-making, which is implemented by elected representatives at both the CICP and zonal levels, fostering trust and community ownership.

Ensuring transparency in the feedback mechanism has provided key lessons that strengthen trust and accountability. 

Accessibility played a crucial role, as lock boxes in four zones allowed community members to submit grievances confidentially, increasing participation. 

Impartiality in reviewing the feedback was also important. Having a response team composed of multiple organizations reduces bias and reassured the community that concerns would be handled fairly. 

Regular communication proved essential, with meetings providing updates on any grievances and actions taken, reinforcing trust. 

A clear governance structure of the CICP and zonal committees, ensured consistency in handling feedback. Additionally, involving elected Zonal Committee representatives in oversight strengthened local ownership and legitimacy.

Cooperation of community and authorities

Using the described approach is set to simplify formally linking a community group with the authorities and empower these organisations to assist in sustainably managing natural resources. Fostering and preserving positive ties is important, as the government agencies are usually in charge of managing natural resources, such as fisheries. When a committee oversees this resource, it must answer to these authorities and take responsibility. The committee does not intend to strip the government’s authority to resource management but instead to collaborate with them for the community’s benefit.


Therefore, setting up a formal channel for frequent communication between community groups, government agencies and other stakeholders is crucial to prevent misunderstandings and ensure a clear distribution of roles.

Based on ongoing evaluations, committees have the potential to succeed with adequate technical assistance from both the development project as well as relevant state and local government entities. This implies that the community and governmental organisations are informed about the limited external assistance in implementing the approach that can be provided, e.g. through a project team.

Additionally, encouraging a sense of ownership among the committee and community members encourages volunteers to contribute their limited resources to the community. The key to success lies in strengthening the committee’s management so that the members of the committee can function as a team. In consequence, strong ownership, good comprehension of the committees tasks, and demand-oriented stregthening of its management all come contribute to the success of the whole team.

Incorporating storytelling and visuals

Incorporating storytelling and visuals is essential for effective communication and engagement with the target audience. Combining storytelling and visuals in a media campaign on sustainable fisheries and aquaculture can help increase awareness, educate stakeholders, and inspire action towards sustainable practices. For instance, a visual representation of depletion of fish in a dam can help building a connection between the audience and the cause, fostering a sense of understanding for the importance of preserving aquatic resources and promoting responsible practices in the industry.

By presenting information in a compelling and relatable way, it can evoke emotions, capture attention, and make complex concepts easier to understand. Visuals, such as images, videos, and infographics, enhance the storytelling experience by providing a visual representation of the information being conveyed in a specific context. Visuals can help to reinforce key messages, increase retention of information, and appeal to different learning styles. 

Overall, clear objectives and target audience identification, strategic planning and message development, effective use of various media channels, consistent messaging and branding, monitoring and evaluation of campaign performance, and adaptability to feedback and changing circumstances are important for communication purposes. Additionally, collaboration with stakeholders, understanding of audience preferences and behaviours, and creativity in content creation are essential for the success of media campaigns.

Lessons learnt

The successful implementation and longevity of the MSP relies on several key factors: Establishing a system that maintains transparency and trust among stakeholders is a fundamental prerequisite and the basis of effective collaboration. Transparency can be achieved through open communication and honest sharing of information among the stakeholders. Open communication together with holding stakeholders accountable for their commitments as anchored in the governance framework helps to build trust.

Flexibility is another critical factor MSPs should endeavour in order to adapt to evolving sectoral priorities as well as to stakeholder dynamics. Therefore, the platform should be capable and open to react to changes and new information and accordingly revise its strategy and work plan or include emerging stakeholders. This can be achieved through regular evaluations and adjustments – also regarding the general MSP performance – which contributes to the achievement of its mission. 

As MSPs have the long-term purpose of sectoral improvement, members need to recognize that meaningful change may take time and requires sustained efforts. Developing and communicating a clear joint vision helps to keep stakeholders committed to the set goals over the long haul. In addition, creating ownership through the allocation of responsibilities keeps stakeholders engaged and should be considered as an essential aspect in terms of sustainability. 

In terms of communication, the development and sharing of a clear strategy to all new members helps to facilitate communication inside and outside the MSP. 

Another important aspect is the promotion and coordination of research and data collection through the MSP with the goal of ensuring evidence-based decision-making and strategies, and to remain the MSP effective in its mission. One example is a feasibility study on authorizing catch and release during the fish ban, aimed at establishing a peak period for tourism. Catch and release is a key activity in tourism, and this study seeks to harmonize evidence-based legislation between tourism and fisheries.

Identifying sustainable funding sources or mechanisms is essential for the long-term viability of MSP, because without adequate financial support, the platform will struggle to maintain its activities. Considering this aspect already in the planning and formation phase of the MSP avoids problems later, especially when the platform is initiated with the financial support of donors that have only limited time and resources for the facilitation. 

Avoiding risks

For the successful establishment and management of MSPs, it is also important to consider potential internal risks that exist. One of them being the dominance of powerful stakeholders which marginalizes the voices of smaller or less influential groups. This highlights the importance to implement mechanisms that ensure power balance, especially when developing the governance framework. The rotation of leadership positions and equal say for all members regardless of their size or lobbying power are two possible ways of addressing this. 

Another potential risk is the occurrence of conflicting interests due to the wide array of stakeholders engaged. This can slow down consensus building and the joint decision-making. Striking a balance between inclusivity and efficiency is a continual challenge.

Community-Based Forest Management

This involves engaging local communities in forest management and can be effective in any region where local populations depend on forest resources. These initiatives have granted communities secure land tenure and motivated them to manage forest resources effectively. By involving locals in forest stewardship, conditions have improved, and alternative income sources such as agroforestry and eco-tourism have been developed. The programs have increased community control and accountability in forest management, resulting in healthier forests and greater community engagement. Their success is largely due to robust local institutions, favorable policies, and ongoing capacity-building. Community participation in decision-making and resource-sharing has further enhanced forest conservation and improved livelihoods.

Successful Community-Based Forest Management relies on several key enabling factors. Establishing a clear legal and policy framework is crucial to support community management of forests. Empowering local communities through training and education builds their capacity to manage forest resources effectively. Providing economic incentives and ensuring that communities benefit from sustainable forest management encourages active participation. Partnerships with NGOs, government agencies, and the private sector can bolster community initiatives. Finally, implementing robust monitoring and evaluation systems helps track progress and adapt strategies as needed. By integrating these elements, Community-Based Forest Management can promote sustainable forest management and community development in various contexts.

Empowering local communities and ensuring their active participation in forest management is crucial. When communities have a vested interest in the management and benefits of forest resources, they are more likely to adopt sustainable practices and protect the forest. Secondly, the establishment of clear and supportive policies and legal frameworks is essential. These frameworks provide the necessary rights and incentives for communities to manage forests sustainably, ensuring their efforts are recognized and supported. Without legal recognition and support, community initiatives can be undermined. Additionally, continuous capacity building and support are vital for the long-term success of Community-Based Forest Management. Providing training, education, and ongoing technical assistance helps communities develop the skills and knowledge needed to manage forests effectively and adapt to changing conditions. These lessons underscore the importance of community involvement, supportive governance, and ongoing capacity development in achieving sustainable forest management.

5. Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation

Regular engagement allowed for the assessment of impacts and adjustments based on feedback, ensuring the project remained aligned with community needs and goals. Monitoring strengthened relationships between implementers and beneficiaries, building trust and accountability.


Continuous evaluation closed the loop by integrating lessons learned back into decision-making, capacity building, and implementation, ensuring the project stayed adaptive and relevant.

Engagement of Men and Boys in addressing GBV in the Fisheries Sector.

This building block emphasizes the critical role of engaging men and boys in addressing GBV within the fisheries sector. Recognizing that gender equality requires collaboration between men and women, this initiative targets the predominantly male-dominated fisheries sector to foster a more inclusive and supportive environment. By involving men ie: fishermen, law enforcer, male stakeholders, landowners, transportation providers, and traditional leaders—in awareness raising, training, and GBV Watch Committees, the intervention seeks to transform negative attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate GBV, including exploitative sex-for-fish practices. It also leverages the influence of traditional leaders to drive societal change, ensuring that men play an active role in avoiding backlach and safeguarding women and addressing the interconnected challenges of resource depletion, illegal fishing, and GBV. 

  1. Inclusive Approach - Ensuring that men and boys are actively included in interventions, such as training and GBV Watch Committees, to foster collaboration and shared responsibility.
  2. Engagement with Influential Men - Involving traditional and religious leaders, teachers, and fisheries officers, fishermen and law enforcers as agents of change to drive community-wide transformation.
  3. Respecting Cultural Dynamics - Gaining the buy-in of traditional leaders by respecting their roles and aligning interventions with local governance systems.
  4. Awareness and Capacity Building - Raising awareness among men about the impact of GBV and providing them with tools to address it within their roles as resource and tradition custodians and community leaders.
  1. Collaboration Is Essential: Addressing GBV effectively requires working with both men and women, as men are often key decision-makers and actors in the fisheries sector.
  2. Cultural Sensitivity Matters: Engaging traditional leaders takes time and patience but is critical for securing their support and using their influence to enact change.
  3. Systematic Inclusion Yields Results: Including men in GBV Watch Committees and training sessions has fostered shared responsibility and reduced resistance to interventions.
  4. Sustained Engagement Is Needed: Changing perceptions and behaviors among men requires continuous awareness and reinforcement to ensure long-term impact.
  5. Sector Integration Is Key: Fisheries officers, while primarily tasked with technical duties, can play a significant role in addressing GBV once sensitized and empowered.
Cash Crop Integration for Sustainable Incomes

The cash crop integration component aimed to incentivize tree management by linking reforestation efforts with short-term income generation. Top-performing farmers, assessed based on tree survival rates and GAP training participation, were awarded cash crop inputs such as soya beans and groundnuts. These crops were selected for their adaptability to local soils, market demand, and ability to complement agroforestry systems. Farmers achieved an average 12% increase in soya bean yields (350 kg/acre) and 10% increase in groundnut yields (240 kg/acre), with incomes averaging UGX 1,050,000 ($285) for soya beans and UGX 900,000 ($244) for groundnuts. The inclusion of cash crops encouraged farmers to maintain their agroforestry systems, reducing tree felling for short-term needs.

  • Crop Suitability: Identifying crops that thrive in local conditions while supporting agroforestry practices.
  • Farmer Training: GAP for cash crops, focusing on planting density, pest management, and post-harvest handling to improve yields.
  • Market Access: Establishing links with traders and milling companies to secure 15% higher prices and reduce reliance on middlemen.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation:  Digital monitoring and evaluation, regular farm visits to assess crop performance and address challenges promptly.
  • Crop integration incentivized tree preservation and diversified farmer incomes, enhancing resilience to climate shocks.
  • Regional variation in weather and soil conditions impacted yields. Research and consultancy would help identify the most suitable varieties.
  • Poor post-harvest handling in some areas reduced profits. Training on crop drying and storage is essential to maximize market value.
  • Develop region-specific crop calendars and include low-cost storage solutions to address post-harvest losses. Partnering with buyers early ensures market demand aligns with farmer production.
Tree Planting at community Level

The primary purpose of tree planting at community level is to achieve large-scale ecosystem restoration while enhancing local livelihoods through agroforestry. The project partnered with four communities to mobilize 425 farmers for tree planting, distributing 73,867 seedlings. Farmers were trained in Good Agroforestry Practices (GAP), including tree planting techniques, mulching, pest and disease management, and soil fertility enhancement. Tree species like Grevillea robusta and Agrocarpus were selected for their fast growth, timber production potential, and ability to improve microclimates and soil structure. Tree planting activities focused on degraded lands prone to erosion and drought, effectively addressing flood control, biodiversity restoration, and ecosystem loss.

  • Farmer Training: Comprehensive GAP training to equip farmers with technical skills in tree care, pruning, and pest management.
  • Species Suitability: Selecting trees adapted to regional environmental conditions to maximize survival and growth rates including soils, weather, culture and .
  • Monitoring Systems: Continuous farmer field visits to monitor growth, survival rates, and emerging challenges.
  • Community Ownership: Collaborating with SEs and local leaders ensured trust, commitment, and adoption of sustainable tree management practices.
  • Integration of trees with cash crops enhances farmer engagement and ensures long-term care for planted trees.
  • Survival rates were highest in areas with reliable rainfall (Kapchorwa at 92%), highlighting the need for location-specific strategies in drought-prone regions.
  • Termite infestations in Busia and Mbale posed a challenge, requiring targeted pest control solutions such as biological control agents and mulching to minimize damage.

    Advice: Deploy tree care manuals with localized pest and soil management techniques. Integrate weather forecast systems to align planting activities with optimal rainfall periods and mitigate drought-related losses.