Setting up a vertically coordinated management structure
The management structure of the Hin Nam No PA and its six technical units was set-up in 2013 with the help of the National University of Laos. Draft Terms of Reference were developed for each unit and tasks to be delegated to villagers were identified. After a piloting phase, it will be important to officially approve the structure. At village level, villagers formed democratically elected village co-management committees (VCMC) and village cluster co-management committees (VCCMC), who are mandated officially to protect and manage natural resources via official agreements. At district level, a district co-management committee (DCMC) brings together government authorities and stakeholders mainly from district level as well as members from village cluster level. Bottom-up, villages report to village cluster level, which thereon report to higher level. Top-down, strategic decisions made at higher levels take the inputs of village levels into account and measurements to be implemented are communicated back to the operational levels. This process ensures that all stakeholders are able to articulate their needs and participate in decision-making.
Existing governance baseline assessment Separation of management structure (day-to-day) and governance structure (steering; overview); Endorsement of co-management committees by district governor (leadership) Use of National University of Laos and neutral facilitator in setting up the structure.
Hin Nam No management divided tasks between a general management and six technical units which has increased management effectiveness. District officers do their own activity planning, reporting and are responsible for all financial transactions, and not the project advisers. This has increased ownership of the PA authority. Importance to democratically elect co-management committees at lower levels based on selection criteria. Important that the institutional set-up is officially recognized (legitimacy) by the local authority. Leadership to set-up institutional design from PA authority with help of a strong neutral facilitator. Upon recommendation of national and provincial level, the leadership function is officially delegated to district. Balance between the need to involve people who are doing the work in the forest (rangers) and the need to involve people who can validate decisions (village heads).