Summer ecological camp for children
Ecocamp participants try wild berries
Ecotourism is strictly limited in the reserve due to its seasonality. In winter, ecotourism is not possible due to snow storms and snow falls. In spring, it is avalanches warning season. In the end of spring and all summer there is tick warning and increased risk of mudflows. Therefore, the most suitable season for ecotourists to visit is August to October. More than 1000 people visited the reserve from 2006.
In 2003 first ecological camp hosted 100 students during one month in August. Since then, the Reserve welcomes ecotourists every year. The number of participants varies between 100 to 125 in one season and to 35 in 2008. Children who come to an ecocamp not only enjoy outdoor living in tents, but also learn a lot about the flora and fauna of the reserve from the daily classes given by staff of the reserve. At the end of their stay, children share their impressions of participating in the ecocamp in their drawings, questionnaires and stories to family members and peers.
The ecological club “Talhis” is functioning in the reserve since 2002. Its main activities are directed towards raising ecological awareness among youth, working with local communities and attracting attention of the relevant bodies to the environmental issues.
Enabling conditions include subsidized vouchers for children to participate in the ecocamp, availability of the experienced and knowledgeable Reserve’s staff and availability of transport and other equipment such as tents, tables, sleeping bags etc.
We learned that it is important to develop an agreement with a transportation company that has four by four vehicles in advance. Also, the first ecocamps were conducted in June, however, this month is not optimal for ecocamps due to mudflows threat, ticks and low temperatures in the mountains at night. The optimal month is August. When ecocamps were conducted in June all the children had to be vaccinated against Lime disease. When ecocamps are conducted in August, such vaccinations are not necessary.