From rewilding to resilience: Game-changing wildlife conservation Solutions

From rewilding endangered species in Argentina and Namibia to harnessing cutting-edge technology like drones and acoustic monitoring for wildlife protection, these Solutions demonstrate how tailored, science-based interventions are shaping a wilder and more resilient future. Explore this collection that offers innovative Solutions on various areas of wildlife conservation ranging from species reintroduction in their natural habitats to combatting poaching and pioneering sustainable financing for conservation.  

Field Research
Sound Recording Equipment layout and installation
Data Quantification and Database Establishment
Sound pattern analysis
Recognition Modelling
International Symposium
Tech4Nature Mexico
Multi-stakeholder alliance
Community co-design and engagement
Camera traps and eco-acoustic monitoring devices deployment
Image recognition algorithms for jaguar detection and identification
Acoustic monitoring and analyses
Generation of inputs for the strengthening of AI tools and resources for biodiversity protection
Turtle Foundation
Application of a team of conservation dogs and dog-handlers
Application of a team consists of drone pilots equipped with modern night vision technology (drones and binoculars with thermal imaging technology)
Close cooperation with law enforcement authorities
Crocodylus acutus
Community engagement and governance
Cat Tien National Park
Reintroduction of a Siamese Crocodile population in Bau Sau lake, Cat Tien National Park
Mitigation of human pressures on the park’s natural resources
Arabian Oryx
Captive breeding and Reintroduction
Habitat Restoration
Biodiversity Studies
Re-zoning Based on Biodiversity
Magalí Longo
Rewilding for restoring key species and their ecological roles in a degraded ecosystem
Large Parks creation
Community prosperity through developing nature-based tourism
©Namibian Partnerships against Environmental Crime
Interagency cooperation
Direct, fast and flexible external funding support for law enforcement and related needs
Use of all available technologies and tools
Strategic planning and innovative action
Jeffrey Eiser and Fieni Aprilia
Southeast Asia
Tjahja Nugraha
Crowd Funding Campaign Using Platform
Recruit conservation volunteers using internet campaign
Eder Zanetti
Prime Property Fraction of CSR program
Transparency, Accountability, Accuracy, Completeness and Third Party Independent Registry