Stakeholder engagement
Training on SAGE tool
Effective communication
Implementation and fine-tuning of technologies and methods to propagate corals
Key partnerships to share expertise and resources
Community involvement and outreach
Restore water circulation in the mangrove forest.
Establish nurseries
Reforestation in degraded and sparsely vegetated areas
Increase community awareness and involvement
Etablir un protocole scientifique basé sur les connaissances des pêcheurs locaux
Choisir la méthode d’évaluation adaptée aux caractéristiques du terrain
Former à l'identification de l’espèce
Collecter efficacement les données sous l'eau
Development of a compelling Operational & Biosecurity Plan
Use of cutting-edge technology for project implementation
Raise awareness of the local community on indigenous species, threats and biosecurity measures
Engaging key stakeholders
Capacity building and innovative technology
Research and Science based decision making.
Awareness and community outreach
Gender Equality/Mainstreaming
Constitution d’un consortium original, complémentaire et motivé
Logistique et matériels
Travail de terrain et analyses des résultats
Présentation régulière des travaux à la population locale
Engaging key stakeholders to update the management plan of Mangabe Protected Area
Establishing information centers in Mangabe Reserve
Carrying out a shared diagnosis for the selection of plant species and trial site selection.
Transfer of knowledge on new methods of ecological restoration through seeding
Conservation Enterprise Business Plan Development
Establishing Long-term Business Partnership
Creating an enabling environment for business
Protected Areas Management