Mise en place/création des Associations Villageoises d’Epargne et de Crédits
Identification des Activités Génératrices de Revenus (AGRs)
Mise en place des activités génératrices de revenus proprement dit
Suivi et autonomisation des AGRs
1. Stakeholder Engagement
2. Identification of the key areas of concern (Data Collection/ SAGE process)
3. Action planning based on the outcome of the SAGE assessment
Good Relations with the Mandated Management Institution of the MPA
Prior Assessments to Identify Capacity Gaps
Expertise Necessary for the Capacity Building Process
Crear condiciones habilitantes para la intervención del Mecanismo TDC en las comunidades socias de la Reserva Comunal Yánesha (1)
Construcción de la institucionalidad coordinada para la vigilancia integral de las amenazas a la Reserva Comunal Yanesha (2)
Apalancamiento de fondos para alternativas productivas sostenibles compatibles con la conservación (3)
Enfoque intercultural
Apropiación de herramientas de forma participativa
Rescate de saberes ancestrales
Preparing for Assessment
Data for Decision Making
Partnership Collaboration, Action Planning and monitoring progress:
Application of a team of conservation dogs and dog-handlers
Application of a team consists of drone pilots equipped with modern night vision technology (drones and binoculars with thermal imaging technology)
Close cooperation with law enforcement authorities
PA Effectively manned - "The last band on the titanic"
Availability of donor funding for salaries
Partnerships for conservation
Compliance with health and tourism safety requirements for reopening
Identification of appropriate technology
Infrastructural development
Partnership and collaboration
Staff training and coaching
Increased Community Involvement
Capacity Building to the Patrol Teams
Use of Data for Decision-making
Community-based mangrove management
Ecological Mangrove Restoration
1) Land-use Planning (baseline requirement).
2) Incorporating processes of continuous improvement in environmental performance.
3- Biodiversity Monitoring
4. Internal and external communication.
4- Build strategic alliances with different territorial stakeholders.
Situational Analysis—National Context for enforcement of selected Protected Area
Build collaborative environment
Building up: Implementation and Monitoring—role of self-analysis, fundraising and tools
GIS and Remote Sensing for mapping pasture areas
Coordination Platform for Sustainable Pasture Management