Conservation Assured | Tiger Standards
Snapshot Solution

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CA|TS is a management tool which sets basic criteria or minimum standards for effective management of Tiger conservation reserve or other conservation reserves and protected areas which have tiger population within. CA|TS is based on a set of seven pillars with 17 minimum standards and associated criteria for effective management of tiger landscapes. CA|TS will enable TRCs to move forward for accomplishing the commitment of doubling the tigers (Goal of TX2).
Last update: 02 Oct 2020
Challenges addressed
North and Central Asia
Southeast Asia
South Asia
East Asia
*Contributes broadly to conservation: The Conservation Assured standards will contribute to the effective protection of key biodiversity areas and will be applicable to numerous flagship species globally
*Addresses framework conditions for conservation: Conservation Assured provides works as a verifier and indicator of the success of integrated conservation efforts. At the global level the analysis of these could be used to develop long-term sustenance models that will enable us to accommodate key flagship species and biodiversity in various landscapes and seascapes and ensuring that benefits from these efforts are optimised.
*Addresses global policy or international conventions: Conservation Assured supports implementation to achieve the Aichi Targets (specifically 11 & 12) of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity Conservation under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
*As a generic auditing and resource allocation tool:CA|TS can provide a generic framework for financial institutions e.g.Kfw,ADB/UNDP-GEF/World Bank providing grants across TRCs and serve as a general auditing tool to gauge implementation success of their projects.