Retrieving the name of Pacefongan with Troik Tribe socio-ecological production landscape and seascape resilience assessment workshops in Taitung County, Taiwan
The Taitung Branch of the Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA) conducted community-based resilience assessment workshops (RAWs) in the Torik Tribe. Local residents from different age groups took part in RAWs. Together, they assessed the socio-ecological resilience of the Torik Tribe, identified its main risks and resources, elicited the most urgent local issues, and discussed priority management tasks.
RAWs results reflected some major issue of the Torik locals in regard to ocean protection, ocean-based economy and community-based governance of ocean resources. In addition to recognition and respect towards the cultural significance of Pacefongan, in Amis word means where the beach ships disembark. With lots of visitors have ocen activities the locals were also concerned with potential threats to the local natural environment and safety issues for the visitors. RAWs made it clear that collaborative governance agencies at the community level and support from other relevant stakeholders were or paramount important.
Challenges addressed
There are three primary actions were collectively identified by the Torik Tribe and the Taitung Branch of FANCA since 2018 started with Taiwan Ecological Network to date:
- Landscape-seascape health and connectivity. Water-saving rice cultivation and eco-friendly farming practices are being implemented in response to the lack of irrigation water (with the support of Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, and the Department of Agronomy of National Chiayi University). Eco-friendly Torik rice is then successfully marketed though MUJI chain store and the agricultural cooperatives.
- Tradition and innovation. The Torik Tribe, in partnership with the Taitung Branch of FANCA, Torik Environmental Protection Association, and the elders from the Torik Culture & Health Station, conducts field surveys, documents Indigenous and local knowledge, and publishes a series of books on restoration and preservation of local historical names and their cultural meanings – Pacefongan being one of them.
- Multi-stakeholder governance. The younger generation of Torik has arranged to set up a Tribal Council to regularly communicate with the Taitung County government and the National East Coast Scenic Area Administration, advocating for local empowerment on the management of historical marine sites.