Sea turtle conservation in Ivory Coast

Full Solution
Hatchlings and Tourists
José Gómez Peñate
This solution helped to stop the poaching of sea turtles on the most important nesting beach of Côte d'Ivoire, the beach of Mani-Kablaké located west of the country. Thanks to the project implemented by CEM since 2013, turtle hunting and nest destruction have been eradicated at the site, more than 1,000 turtles and their nests were protected yearly, local stakeholders have benefited from drinking water supply and solar electrification, and eco-tourism has been developed in the area.
Last update: 28 Mar 2019
Challenges addressed
Loss of Biodiversity
Lack of alternative income opportunities
Lack of public and decision maker’s awareness
Unemployment / poverty
Stop sea turtle poaching and improve the well-being of local populations. - Before the launch of the project, about 1000 sea turtles were being killed annually and >50,000 nests destroyed. - The living standard of local populations is appallingly low, people live in poverty. Villages are not supplied by water nor electricity.
Scale of implementation
Species management
Ivory Coast
West and Central Africa
Summary of the process
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: 'Conservation des tortues marines de Côte d’Ivoire'" from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Building Blocks
Building community infrastructure for local well-being
Helped to secure adhesion to the project by inhabitants, most of whom in the past had been hunters or traders / consumers of meat or eggs.
Enabling factors
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: 'Conservation des tortues marines de Côte d’Ivoire'" from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Lesson learned
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: 'Conservation des tortues marines de Côte d’Ivoire'" from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Involvement of local stakeholders in conservation activities
100% of field activities (beaches and fishing port monitoring, construction and monitoring of hatcheries) are performed by villagers.
Enabling factors
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: 'Conservation des tortues marines de Côte d’Ivoire'" from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Lesson learned
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: 'Conservation des tortues marines de Côte d’Ivoire'" from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Awareness-raising and enactment of a customary law
Organisation of awareness-raising meetings to prevent people from hunting marine turtles. Validation of a participatory local law on their protection.
Enabling factors
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: 'Conservation des tortues marines de Côte d’Ivoire'" from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Lesson learned
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: 'Conservation des tortues marines de Côte d’Ivoire'" from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Facilitation of alternative livelihoods
Development of partnerships with local hotels to encourage them to allocate funding to the project.
Enabling factors
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: 'Conservation des tortues marines de Côte d’Ivoire'" from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Lesson learned
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: 'Conservation des tortues marines de Côte d’Ivoire'" from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: 'Conservation des tortues marines de Côte d’Ivoire'" from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Local populations.
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: 'Conservation des tortues marines de Côte d’Ivoire'" from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
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José Gómez Peñate
Conversation des Espèces Marines (CEM)