
Zooterra is reimagining how we support nature through a patent-pending product that gives users a direct, transparent and fun way to help protect wildlife and natural habitats. On the platform, users can buy a digital token called terra associated with natural areas and wildlife from around the world. Proceeds from terra sales directly support projects linked to the areas and wildlife selected. Zooterra transforms the existing user experience for people who want to support nature conservation by providing:
Ownership and gamification through digital collectibles called terras linked to specific natural areas and wildlife
Transparency by funding specific projects
Understanding impact through stories and project updates
Personalization through a unique experience for each user
By associating defined areas of natural land into unique collectibles, Zooterra gives people a window into nature and a stake into its survival.
Challenges addressed
We work with partners on the ground to help determine the project linked to the natural area. By having specific projects linked to each token, we are able to communicate the impact that individuals have in conservation. Users have an understanding of the scope of the projects and how they support habitats and wildlife in a specific area.
Partners on the ground are responsible for managing the portion of resources collected dedicated for project funding. The transparency of the platform enables users to physically explore the area linked to their terra given that they know its location, assuming the area is accessible.
Further providing information on impact, each token contains stories and project updates that elaborate on the context on the areas and wildlife supported and the work done on the ground with communities, habitats and wildlife by our partners. This content is generated in collaboration with partners to be shared with the terra owners. In the future, we expect to generate vegetation cover health assessments using satellite image analysis or forest reviews depending of what is technically possible or available in an area which will provide an additional measure of impact. Project updates will provide users with an ongoing view on conservation efforts and the impact of their contributions and drive greater engagement.