Dunphy's Kowmung Adventure - Re-enacting a historic walk in a national park

A re-enactment of a wilderness walk that invented the art of 'bushwalking' in Australia and involved the local community in several side events. The event assisted teams of young adventurers to rediscover the Blue Mountains region west of Sydney and the need for its on-going conservation effort, even though the area is now a national park inscribed on the World Heritage list of properties.
Défis à relever
Attempting to reengage young people and the local community with the Blue Mountains region.
Summary of the process
Building Blocks
Dunphy Kowmung Adventure walk - Working Group
Enabling factors
Lesson learned
Compiling historical material
Enabling factors
Lesson learned
Compiling guide books
Enabling factors
Lesson learned
The Dunphy’s Kowmung Adventure offers two lessons: 1/- Historical re-enactment of important nature conservation events can enable a broad cross-section of a local community to be involved in celebration of a significant conservation achievement. 2/- A re-enactment also provides a media publicity vehicle to get your message out about the on-going need for nature conservation, in this case wilderness protection. Even though Dunphy’s Kowmung Adventure was a re-enactment of a walk through remote wilderness, the side events involved many other people.
4.5 million Sydney residents enjoying a great many recreation opportunities and water supplies from the World Heritage listed wilderness national parks
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