Cuora flavomarginata Conservation and Patrol Project in Shiding District

Nearly half of Yongan Village (New Taipei City, Taiwan) lies within the Feitsui Reservoir watershed. Strict development laws have conserved the village's diverse shallow mountain ecosystems, providing a stable population for the endangered Cuora flavomarginata and Mauremys mutica. To address the issue of poaching, the Forestry Bureau designated this area as the “Feitsui Reservoir Cuora flavomarginata Wildlife Refuge” in 2013.
Echoing the local residents’ conservation concerns, the Yongan Community Development Association established a patrol team in 2021. They also partnered with the Yongan Village Office to support tea farmers in transitioning to eco-friendly farming practices that conserve wildlife habitats and maintain water quality in the reservoir.
Yongan Community Development Association patrol team established four regular routes, resulting in a significant reduction in poaching incidents. Four local farmers have been certified as eco-friendly farmers, while the Association introduced smart agricultural technology: micro weather stations, soil sensors, and camera traps. These tools help farmers to manage their crops more effectively and record valuable data about the local ecosystem. This data can be used for climate change adaptation strategies, managements of crop diseases and pests. It also helps aging farmers to improve their farming practices, facilitates transition for new farmers into the industry, and improves community resilience to natural disasters. Furthermore, the unused buildings of Yongan Elementary School are being utilized for environmental education courses, serving as an eco-tourism base and a platform for co-creation between the elderly and youth. Additionally, the University Social Responsibility project of National Chengchi University has been sending college students to assist the community. Through the combination of conservation efforts, promotion of local tea brands and intergenerational collaboration, the community is aiming for a harmonious balance between nature and sustainable livelihoods.