Coastal Protection at Point Sables Environmental Protected Area (PSEPA), Saint Lucia

Solución instantánea
Educational signage

The PSEPA features unique biodiversity, as well as captivating sea- and landscapes.  It has been over-exploited by users with contrasting interests, resulting in conflict, beach compaction, coastal de-vegetation, erosion and sedimentation of drains and the barrier reef. The Saint Lucia National Trust uses a multipronged approach with building blocks, such as continuous stakeholder engagement and scientific support to address these issues.  Interventions to stabilize and enhance the PSEPA include:

  • Integrated management and re-vegetation of coastline, sand dunesand mangroves
  • Exclusion of vehicles from beach
  • Clearance and rehabilitation of storm drains
  • Improved waste management
  • Cultivation of partnerships with users, private and public stakeholders to nurture broad-based buy-in, encourage voluntary compliance, and to enhance livelihood opportunities based on natural resources
  • Development of a participatory Recreational Use Plan for Sandy Beach
  • Public awareness and education campaign
Last update: 18 Oct 2024
Défis à relever
Conflicting uses / cumulative impacts
Ecosystem loss
Physical resource extraction
Lack of public and decision maker’s awareness
Poor monitoring and enforcement
Poor governance and participation
Scale of implementation
Coastal forest
Ecosystem services
Geodiversity and Geoconservation
Local actors
Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia

The interventions aim for a more sustainable enjoyment of the PSEPA by all users. The ecosystem services provided by coastal agro-forests, beach and coral reefs will be safeguarded, so that they can continue to support native flora and fauna, associated livelihoods, as well as build resilience against adverse climatic events.


Specifically, the rehabilitation of storm drains already lead to more effective drainage after heavy rains, thereby preventing further water erosion.  The on-going re-vegetation of sand dunes and coastal afforestation will further prevent wind erosion and counteract the impact of illegal sand-mining. Pillars are now preventing vehicular traffic on beach, thereby counteracting compaction and preserving the site´s aesthetics. Sand-mining is no longer observed and there are signs of plant and dune regeneration.  Littering was visibly reduced by erection of garbage bins and improved collection routines.


Continuous public education and awareness-raising has already reached over 1,500 people directly, plus many more via social media, thus helping to improve users´ behaviour and to build pride among potential stewards.  The Saint Lucia National Trust is continuously seeking out funding opportunities from various sources to develop integrated solutions that build upon each other.

Conectar con los colaboradores
Other contributors
Ulrike Krauss
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Craig Henry
Saint Lucia National Trust (SLNT)