Ana Maria
Perez Arredondo

Researcher One Health and Urban Transformation

Ana Maria Perez Arredondo has been the academic coordinator of the NRW Forschungskolleg One Health and Urban Transformation at ZEF University Bonn since 2021. She started working with the One Health approache since 2017 in the context of her doctoral thesis covering topics related to One Health governance and Social-environmental Determinants of Health in Accra. She is further associated with the International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE) within the framework of the project Energy Self-sufficiency for Healthcare Facilities in Ghana (EnerShelF). Before joining the University Bonn, she worked for the public-private-partnership on Climate Risk Transfer and Agricultural Insurance between the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) and Swiss-Re, and for the Agricultural Unit of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). She holds a M.Sc. of International Agribusiness and Rural Development Economics from the Universities of Göttingen in Germany and Talca in Chile (2016), and a Bachelor of International Business from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico (2013).

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