Parque Nacional y Área Natural de Manejo Integrado

Parque Nacional y Área Natural de Manejo Integrado Madidi

Madidi PA is located in the department of La Paz, in the provinces of Franz Tamayo, Abel Iturralde and Larecaja. It is located in the municipalities of Apolo, San Buenaventura, Ixiamas, Pelechuco, and Guanay.  To the west, it borders the Tambopata Natural Reserve and Bahuaja Sonene National Park in Peru; to the east with the Tacana I TCO; to the north with the Tacana II TCO; and to the south with the Apolobamba National Integrated Management Natural Area, the Leco de Apolo TCO, the Lecos Larecaja TCO and the Pilón Lajas Biosphere Reserve and Indigenous Territory.  It includes the San José de Uchupiamonas TCO (inside the PA) and indigenous farming communities.
The PA is established due to studies that have shown the existence of geological areas with fragile soils in the sub-Andean highlands and the highly fragile alluvial plain, which are unsuitable for agricultural and livestock activities. 
In addition, the area is one of the areas with the highest rainfall in the sub-Andean system, with very fragile basins and headwaters and very steep slopes. The RAP also highlights that the ecosystems present in the area are important and representative samples of the high Andean environment, the Bolivian yungas and Amazonia, which are absent in other protected areas in the country and where there is a great diversity of ecosystems rich in flora and fauna species, making it the area with the greatest biodiversity in the country.

Parque Nacional y Área Natural de Manejo Integrado Madidi's Solutions