To promote awareness and a general understanding of the local and global significance of mangrove ecosystem to the Gazi Bay community, various stakeholder engagement forums were held during the inception, development, and implementation of the project. Engagements involved organizing village level meetings in which the Mikoko Pamoja team made detailed presentations on values of mangrove ecosystem, threats, and potential mitigation measures. The team also introduced the concept of carbon financing, its benefits to people and the environment, and sought community support. In addition, the team held a series of focus group discussions to get more insights on the community' perceptions and attitudes towards conservation and management of mangrove resources. These meetings have cumulatively built confidence between the community, government and the Mikoko Pamoja team. This is further grounded by the annual sales of carbon credits sequestered by the mangroves.
- Presence of a structured leadership in the participating villages whereby the chair of the village has his own team that foresees governance of community affairs
- Transparency in service delivery: all group activities are publicized in community noticeboards strategically located in the villages
- Demonstrable benefits of the carbon project
- Support to community projects with income from the sale of carbon credits, including water and sanitation, education and environment conservation
- The concept and technical aspects of carbon trading are difficult for some community members to grasp
- Finding consensus on benefit sharing is always challenging
- The fluctuating prices of global carbon credits are negatively impacting the community morale to sustainably manage mangrove resources in their areas
- There is an urgent need to enhance community education and awareness beyond mangrove forest carbon and instead the entire mangrove ecosystem services, such as fishery and shoreline protection functions
- There is a great need to develop strategies for rehabilitation of degraded mangrove areas outside the Mikoko Pamoja sites