• Facilitating community discussion on natural resources management action;
• Choosing to plant threatened indigenous trees for high value timber
Cooperation between communities, private sector and development partners
Developing a wild coffee value chain
Developing a honey export value chain
Protection and sustainable management of forests
Rangeland ecosystem (grazing land) restoration
Rangeland ecosystem management
Inter-community peace committee and peace meetings
Livelihood diversification
Filling old canals
Thin Layered Marsh Nourishment
Using Controlled River Diversions for Restoration
Barrier Island Restoration for Disaster Risk Reduction
Organisational commitment to a bold vision
Strong scientific foundation
Sufficient long-term funding
Community engagement and volunteering
Coral Reef Replenishment manual
Fragments of Hope website
Trustful relationship with the government
Implementation of the network structure
Fishers' leadership enhanced
Appropriate Governance
Appropriate Infrastructure
Appropriate Strategy
Reforestation activities by Non Governmental Organisations
Collaboration with Private sectors to enable sustainable financing
Community and CSO Training program
Small Grant program
Land Use plans including the delineation of Village Land Forest Reserves & Participatory land use management.
Collaboration with landscape partners including Village and District governments, TNC and Pathfinder International (Tuungane).
Legal contracts between resource owning communities and Carbon Tanzania
A results-based payments for conservation system measured and monitored using a REDD (avoided deforestation) project methodology.
Accessing the voluntary carbon market.
Engaging diverse partners to address climate change impacts
Engaging citizens to control the spread of invasive species
Restoration of degraded habitats
Enhancing water availability to reduce conflict
Formal and informal training for adaptation