Vulnerability assessment and stakeholder plan
Capacity development for coral reef restoration
Coral reef restoration toolkit
On-the-ground Planting
Monitoring Growth and Success of Planted Mangroves
Education of Mangrove Importance to Local & Global Community
Science-based design
Active stakeholders across levels
Informing policy processes
Successful seagrass restoration methodology
Social scientists to work with local communities
Formation of the A-TANYI seagrass association
Trainings with farmers
Local farmer-designed technology
Selection of sites and principle design
Seedling selection
Maintenance and protection
Farmer field schools
Upscaling of implementation of Dynamic Agroforestry Systems
Pasture Governance
Pasture Management Techniques
Re-discovering Land Productivity
Benefit Sharing for Ecosystems Conservation
Strengthening Farmer Associations
Building Sustainable Value Chains Based In Local Biodiversity
• Facilitating community discussion on natural resources management action;
• Choosing to plant threatened indigenous trees for high value timber
Cooperation between communities, private sector and development partners
Developing a wild coffee value chain
Developing a honey export value chain
Protection and sustainable management of forests
Rangeland ecosystem (grazing land) restoration
Rangeland ecosystem management
Inter-community peace committee and peace meetings
Livelihood diversification
Filling old canals
Thin Layered Marsh Nourishment
Using Controlled River Diversions for Restoration
Barrier Island Restoration for Disaster Risk Reduction