Evaluation of protected area effectiveness
Inter-institutional working groups
Capacity building on MPA regulations
Long-term financing for MPA management
Joint surveillance and enforcement of MPAs
Guiding framework and learning process: connecting building blocks and linking strategies
Creating a spatial baseline understanding of knowledges and potentially diverging values of stakeholders and local residents
Preferences, priorities, problem identification and tentative solutions – mapping system knowledge, target knowledge and transformative knowledge
Space for reflexivity
Building agency through facilitated knowledge co-creation
Understanding the problem
Collection and harmonizing of the data
Identifying mechanisms for long-term financing of protected areas and coral reef conservation
Building the case for increased funding for protected area and coral reef management
Building capacity to monitor and report impacts of coral reef conservation
Convencimiento de productores de adoptar métodos de ganadería regenerativa
Esquemas de colaboración con los ganaderos
Entendimiento diversos segmentos de clientes y sus expectativas
Partner fishery selection criteria and process
Fishery impact and evaluation
Economic Acumen
Responsible Seafood Production Co-ops
International Fishing Improvement Projects
Incubating co-ops to rescue the value of their catch
Inter-institutional governance at different levels
Creating a shared vision of land management through water
Key elements for ecosystem conservation are also anthropic
Support from local institutions and grassroots organizations
Gobernanza y arreglos inter-instituciones a diferentes niveles
Creando una visión común del territorio a partir del agua
Los elementos clave para la conservación del ecosistema también son antrópicos
Apoyo de instituciones y organizaciones de base con presencia en el territorio
Establishing partnerships with local government units
Forming alternative livelihood out of cheap resources
Participación activa de las comunidades locales
Promoción de actividades productivas sostenibles para la mejora de los medios de vida locales.
Política Nacional de Residuos Sólidos
Ley de los Grandes Generadores de la ciudad de Brasilia
Rede de Restaurantes y Bares
Logística de los Residuos Sólidos
Formation et préparation du personnel
Formation des brigades de volontaires
Formation au sein des communautés