Monitoring nature mixing people and cultures.
Transforming a scientific monitoring in a social and touristic event
Clear institutional framework through public-private partnership
Local capacity building on protected area financing
High Level Political Leadership & Commitment
Building Strong Partnerships with Regional Identity & GLISPA
Sustainable Financing: PAN Funds and Endowments
Establishing community-private sector partnerships
Creating employment and skills training and development
Preferred use of local suppliers of goods and services
Managing expectations and benefit-sharing
Development of various community and social welfare projects
Local participation to guarantee access to natural resources and land possession
Governance and participation of local actors in the management and use of natural resources
ARPA: the most important conservation program for tropical rainforests in Brazil, and mechanisms of financial sustainability of the Jaú National Park
Conservation mosaics: An effective strategy to consolidate great expanses of protected territory in Brazil
Tourism development
Establishment of plot rendering
Community-focused Conservation Approach
Establishing broad partnerships with national and county governments, and other conservation agencies and local communities
Governance and management practices through participatory planning and delivery