Reviewing of the Park General Management Plan to include climate resilience aspects

This block addresses the work of revising the management plan so that it integrates aspects related to climate change resilience.


It was agreed during the National Validation Workshop held in December 2017 in Lusaka between the Department of National Parks and Wildlife and the Lake Tanganyika Development Programme (the funder of the GMP review) and other key stakeholders that the Nsumbu GMP will be reviewed in 2018 to include climate change aspects by pulling together information from the approved climate change strategy. Further it was agreed that the Park Climate Change Strategy will be annexed to the revised GMP.


As of March 2019, the review of the GMP is ongoing and expected to be completed towards the end of this year.

Key enabling factors in this BB include:

  1. Stakeholder awareness on climate change impacts and adaptation strategies for protected areas
  2. Effective facilitation of the GMP review process by qualified experts
  3. Effective stakeholder participation in the review process

To better integrate climate change aspects, emerging lessons show that its is critical to: 

  1. Rivise the protected areas management planning framework  to include climate change. This would allow for the integration of climate change during the GMP development, rather than the review process
  2. Review existing biodiversity threats to include climate change.
  3. Revise management objects to capture climate change resilience.