The implementation of EbA solutions is a result of a long process, where resources, knowledge, and leadership of different sectors are united by a common goal. Another crucial element is to have a financing mechanism that allowed the funding of proposed projects. To evaluate and prioritize different adaptation options in the three destinations, the project applied over 30 cost-benefit analyses and had several workshops with local technical experts.
As a result, in San Miguel de Allende for example, a new Green Fund was established by the Ministry of Environment that channeled private sector fees and contributions towards EbA measures. In addition, the money mobilized through the Green Fund was matched with money from an existing Program for Payments of Ecosystem Services (PES) run by the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR).
Through this co-financing scheme, the city was able to implement five EbA solutions wich include handmade dams and forest restoration accordingly with level curves of the site to ensure sufficient drinking water in the future. All solutions were implemented with the cooperation of local NGOs (like Salvemos al Río Laja A.C.) and communities.
Because of the pandemic, the other proposed EbA solutions in the other sites were not implemented.
- Trust and cooperation structures between several sectors: local municipalities, tourism industry leaders and civil society.
- Existence of leaders from the public, private and civil society sector that acted as change agents and joined forces united by a common goal.
- Presence of strong civil society organizations with a lot of technical experience in environmental projects.
- Existence of a financial mechanism that allowed to mobilize public and private funding for EbA measures.
- Technical information should be followed by a communication strategy oriented to sensitize the private sector and promote multi-sectoral dialogue for the financing process.
- In addition to scientific data, it is helpful to create an emotional connection between decision makers and their natural capital. For ADAPTUR, one very successful strategy was to organize trips for business leaders to the countryside, where they could see negative climate effects to their homeland with their own eyes.
- Invest time in building trust and cooperation structures between local actors from different sectors that are important for the development of your project´s EbA solutions.
- Helping local actors to use successful EbA solutions to promote their work, organization or business creates another incentive for participation and may motivate other actors to join the project.