The SMN was launched in September 2020, to offer trained Social Mediation the opportunity to have an accessible forum through which to exchange experience, raise concerns and ask for advice from more experienced Social Mediators. Moreover, based on their local experience, they can provide feedback for future opportunities and take initiatives in the context of the existing Social Mediators’ Network, to maximise sustainability, self-learning, empowerment and inclusion. The SMN uses a horizontal structure so that any member can take their own initiatives and present them to the group. Logistical support for the Network is offered by ICLAIM.
Network, Technology, Digital Network Application (currently being developed)
Considering that the COVID19 pandemic interrupted our normal flow of work, Network members were still able to hold two meetings to date and contribute to suggestions for the networks future support. Using the internet as the main communication tool, the Network has enabled participation from countries across three continents. We are currently developing an app to allow network members to maintain more consistent contact with each other.