
FPP considers fundamental for the implementation of projects: achieving the basic needs and the improvement of the living conditions of the community, it has the endorsement of it. So it is essential to build bonds of trust with its participants, local authorities and community leaders.


The satisfaction of basic is necessary to improve life conditions of families and communities; which creates accurate conditions to self-sufficiency as well the design of local projects that contribute to their development beyond wellbeing.


Having these situations will generate projects oriented to the generation of income with local resources that will establish the bases to achieve self-sufficiency and their empowerment. Also, from this process the community will carry out actions for the management of high impact projects with and other instances. After having finalized the knowledge and skills for the design, execution and monitoring of local and regional development plans.

  • Participants with a communitarian vision on long term which permits identify the goals to achieve development.
  • Commitment from participants with the project, the process and the work.
  • Trainings and farming models design according with the region to achieve best yields.
  • Know the ES that each region offers in order to insert it in a value chain which permits better incomes for farmers.
  • People could receive benefits to reach wellbeing, but they have to participate actively and share the compromise to work inside this scheme.
  • We have to identify the options to insert the products in the best market, and that market has to have the same values as farmers.
  • We have to determine with community how far we can go in a period of time with the project, to identify the goals, indicators and impacts of the project.
  • We have to identify secondary products and identify the diversification of the work for non-farmers families.
  • We must include young people and children in the process of identify goals for the community.