3. Identification of flexible project implementation mechanisms, which can reflect demands at the local level (e.g., contracting of local employees from the Miskitu population)

For this purpose, the project contracted two international consulting agencies with a long-standing on-site presence. In the tender documents and selection process, GIZ focused on prerequisites such as expertise in conflict prevention and human rights-based approaches as well as gender justice in particular. Based on the terms of reference formulated by the project, the consortium contracted local employees, who serve as trusted brokers, possess the necessary language skills and cultural empathy as well as the required expertise and understanding of the project logic from the donor perspective. In addition, the project contracted national consultants to strengthen the capacities of the local population and their institutions.

GIZ held meetings at the village, territorial, and project area levels with appraisers of the new project. The results were synchronized with local development plans (planes de vida). Crucial factors had been the initial informed consultation and participation of the local population in designing micro-projects and employment opportunities for indigenous personnel. Another factor is the project's principle not to work with the population, building capacities on a local level in various aptitudes. 

  • Project acceptance and success depend critically on an approach that is strongly oriented to implementation at the local level and is holistic in nature, in the sense that it is oriented to local needs.


  • Flexible project design is key to take into account suggestions of different stakeholders decisive for project implementation.


  • Capacity building in formal (i.e., diplomas) and informal (local “multipliers”, horizontal learning through structured experience exchange, etc.) ways is key to sustainability of actions.