UCRT works to dually support the rights and wellbeing of communities and the flora and fauna of northern Tanzania by helping communities adaptively improve and strengthen their management systems and practices. This is done by facilitating village formulation of land use plans and natural resource management by-laws and building community capacity to sustainably manage the rangelands across village borders.

In order to enable the success of these building blocks participation is essential. We believe that empowerment is crucial for equitable engagement and representation for effective resource management. Conflict resolution is also a key piece of the process We meditate conflicts in order to gain stronger participation and for collective action in the sustainable management of community connected land.

  1. SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT— Building on the development of land-use plans and bylaws, UCRT expanded its approach by:
    • Ensuring communities protect connectivity between migratory livestock routes;
    • Integrating scientific knowledge with customary management approaches to improve pasture; and
    • Mainstreaming information related to climate change impacts and population growth.
    UCRT now works with elected Grazing Committees comprised of Traditional Leaders and build their knowledge and skills on rangeland management at the village level, by communicating relevant scientific knowledge in ways that can be understood in a traditional context. UCRT helps them engage with other Grazing Committee representatives from connected villages to develop cross border grazing and land use agreements. These cross-border MOUs between villages with communal grazing CCROs supports livestock and wildlife mobility and ensure resources are shared fairly and sustainably beyond village borders.