4- Build strategic alliances with different territorial stakeholders.

Creating working relations involving all sectors of society (private, government organizations and civil society organizations) helps to strengthen and authenticate the efforts made under the Program. This also encourages dialog that facilitates the opportunity to lead or resolve conflicts that arise from the production activity, within a framework of respect and tolerance, recognizing that in a territory there are different visions and interests, and all must be fairly considered. Alliances promote synergies that enhance individual efforts and active participation of all sectors of society. They enable the creation of an idea of territory, of collaborative planning, promoting more equitable power relations and the generation of a common vision between actors that were traditionally disconnected or even antagonistic to one another, although they shared the same limitations and potentialities. Within the framework of the Program, alliances put emphasis on the socio-environmental aspects of the territory, which are often disregarded from a perspective exclusively focused on production.

Having preexisting relationships with other companies, communities or organizations with which they share the territory, and the existence of common goods (access roads, water availability, control of illegal activities).

1- These alliances are key for building a notion of territory with multiple stakeholders and interests, that enables to promote other activities independently from the area of action of companies.
2- A good management of alliances enables to minimize and even eliminate possible unforeseen conflicts.