Capacity building on climate change resilience

The purpose of this block is to build capacity of park managers on climate change through workshops focusing on topics that are very specific to climate change issues encountered at the park level. 


A series of capacity building workshops were held in Mpanda and Sumbawanga in 2017 to raise awareness on key concepts related to climate change including impacts, vulnerability and resilience in relation to protected areas. The workshops were attended by delegates from Katavi National Park, Lwafi Game Reserve, Mpanda District Council and conservation NGOs working in Mpanda and Rukwa such as LCMO.


The workshops provided participants with key information and knowledge on climate aspects needed in the next steps of integrating climate change in the Park General Management Plan.

  1. Availability of interested, motivated and commited stakeholders
  2. Effective facilitation approaches and strategies
  1. Capacity building should not be an on-off event, rather a continous undertaking aimed at enhancing the capacity of both park managers and stakeholders including local communities living adjacent to protected areas.
  2. The commitment and increased empowerment of communities is important for the sustainability of the solution.
  3. Monitoring and evaluation must accompany the process to ensure that awareness and capacity is actually improved