Carry out assessments of the GBR region and coastal zone
The comprehensive strategic assessment included: an assessment of the GBR Region, which was led by the GBRMPA and examined the marine component; and an assessment of the GBR Coastal Zone, which was led by the Queensland Government and focused on the coastal areas adjacent to the Region. It used grading statements to standardise the assessments of the condition of values, impacts on values, management effectiveness and risk. The strategic assessment was based on the best available information as at June 2013, including scientific data, expert opinion, and Traditional Owner and stakeholder knowledge. Management effectiveness was independently assessed by a team of 3 assessors with comprehensive knowledge of protected area management. In addition, independent consultants peer reviewed the draft strategic assessment and program report
These assessments were carried out under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999, Australia’s central piece of environmental legislation. The strategic assessment process for the GBR Region was guided by terms of reference and aligned with the Queensland Government’s assessment for the adjacent coastal zone through a joint technical framework.
The need for a clearly defined process outlining methods to be used and opportunities for stakeholder input. The merit in utilising a range of tools to assess impacts ranging from value-impact matrices, qualitative and quantitative models to understand cause and effect relationships and spatial mapping approaches (no one tool is perfect). The importance of considering the effects of impacts across a range of scales, both spatially and temporally, and the cumulative effect of multiple impacts on values. The necessity of taking into account how a ‘shifting baseline’ in the condition of values affects assessments of current condition and trend of values.