Community Initiatives

Working with and for communities in beach clean-ups as well as mobilizing community members to be agents of change as well as enhancing the capacities of members in dirty dozen methodology

  • Young people being the heart of sustainable development must be capacitated and supported to be the best version of themselves and make the change they want to see
  • Amplifying the work of community members in the media has enabled build confidence and urgency among young people to be the push of beach clean-ups as well as an educational awareness campaign
  • Engaging community members as researchers in plastic waste management data collection has strengthened participatory development as well as cascaded knowledge pf plastics to community members
  • Invest in community structures and work from bottom-up approaches as well as working with community structures to mainstream sustainable plastic waste management as well as beach clean-ups
  • Work with brands to come up with an alternative to plastic packaging as well providing technical assistance to companies to transition.