Establishing local management infrastructure
Local management infrastructure includes office building, boats, museum, which is necessary to support the effective implementation of the Cham Islands MPA management plan. A program office acts as a coordinating centre to set up the Cham Islands MPA zoning plan and regulation roadmap. It supervises monitoring and conducts research of coastal water quality and ecological system health. It coordinates development of management regulations and supports the development of alternative livelihoods. It also carries out public awareness raising and education activities.
The MPA project finance supported the set-up of the building office, museum, and purchased a boat. The contributions from local government and stakeholders are very important for maintenance and for covering the running cost in the first few year of MPA. Afterwards entrance fee collection will cover all expenses.
Capacity building for the communities in the Cham Islands MPA has been gradually improved with support from the local management infrastructure. The MPA museum has been very useful in serving as tourist attraction.