Interpretive training workshop
The interpretive workshop is the main medium used to deliver the interpretive efforts (the solution) to the snorkeling clientele (or any other target audience). The workshop trains the snorkel operators (or any other body responsible for delivering interpretive messages) to deliver interpretive efforts. These interpretive efforts target salient beliefs identified in the previous building block to influence the behavior of the target audience. The Sea Through the Looking Glass solution used in the Mombasa Marine Park used expert presentations, group discussions and role-play scenarios to make the snorkel operators comfortable with the interpretation they would offer their clients.
The target audience for the workshop must be willing. Dialogue between all parties leading up to the workshop must accurately convey what the workshop is and what benefits the target audience will gain from it. If the target audience sees no benefit, they will not sacrifice their time to be part of the workshop.
As discussed above, communication is essential. If certain key persons are neglected, not invited, or over stepped the workshop could be doomed to failure.