Involvement of local community, future plans sustainability

For sustainability of DCCG and long term community benefit, the group has focalised in the following actions:

  • Construct eco-friendly accommodation facilities on their land adjacent to the creek.
  • Introduce environmental friendly means of transport for ease of access to the restaurant and board-walk.
  • Introduce computer learning centre in order to build capacity of the youth.
  • Explore new ideas to increase jobs opportunities to the community;
  • Extend beach clean-up to cleaning the street of Watamu.
  • Contribute to the education bursary kitty to educate students in the local schools.
  • Partnership with the national Government, KMFRI, KWS, KFS in managing the mangrove forests.
  • Collaboration with local and international NGOs such as WWF, KWETU and National projects e.g. KCDP, KEMFSED all have created strong linkages for sustainability.

Generating partnerships allows to achieve the objectives in a more solid and efficient way and creating strong linkages for sustainability.