Local Community engagement

Involving local communities was a key element of our work in Congo from the beginning and, in 2010, The Aspinall Foundation was able to create a more formal structure with the establishment of PROFADELLL (The Project, in Favour of Local Development in Periphery of the Natural Reserve of Gorillas Lésio-Louna). Its aim to support communities on the outskirts of the enlarged Lésio-Louna Reserve with a comprehensive community programme to enable local people to benefit from, and become custodians of, their environment.  The programme was in place for a period of ten years with positive results and elements such as the eco-tourism product are ongoing.

Local rural communities depend on the natural resources around them and have a vested interest in making a transition to more sustainable lifestyles. Support of local and national authorities. A commitment from the team to build the trust necessary to gain support for the community programme.

More successful results across the project are achieved if strong relationships with local communities are maintained.  This requires a commitment to continually discuss and listen to points raised in regular meetings. Local community engagement is also crucial for positive conservation outcomes to be sustained.