Supporting the formulation of institutional recommendations at regional scale

This Building Block aimed to develop a regional roadmap on MSP and sustainable blue economy agreed by the four beneficiary countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru. During national activities, governmental authorities and relevant stakeholders provided recommendations, which were compiled in a summary table by thematic focus and then prioritized by the National Focal Points. The most voted recommendations were selected and rephrased (when necessary) to compose the regional roadmap.

  • Increasing relevance of MSP and sustainable blue economy in the national and international agendas
  • Pre-existing collaboration between governmental institutions at national and regional levels
  • Building capacity: Before proposing regional meetings, it is important to provide capacity building at national level so that national representatives are better prepared for regional discussions
  • Building cooperation: Before proposing an activity to develop regional recommendations, it is important to organize prior meetings at regional level so that national representatives can meet and get used to working with each other