Training on the use of camera traps

Camera traps are a new piece of technology for the field team. Training is a mixture of remote conversation and trial and error. I have used camera traps before but I am not able to get to the field to conduct training with the cameras. 

An understanding is required on both sides. With a mixture of feedback from the captures and trial and error, we have improved our chances for collecting useable images.


During the first deployment, the camera was placed too high and the quality was low, leading to few pictures with identifiable subjects but we were able to discuss how to improve our chances based on the results we had.

-Patience is the key. It was a bit frustrating that I couldn't be in the field to conduct training on how to use the camera traps but we had to make the best of what we had.

-We reviewed the results together and discussed how we could improve our chances until we found a method that worked well.