"Action learning" and monitoring to increase capacities and knowledge
Implementation of mangrove restoration EbA measures
Strengthening water governance and leadership for adaptation
Integrated on-farm soil nutrient management
Community pond restoration
Broom grass cultivation
Extensive public engagement/consultation during design phase
Fostering win-win solutions through innovative partnerships for landscape engineering
Creating a technical advisory panel for sound planning
Transforming perceptions on ecosystem-livelihood connection
Using natural processes in mangrove rehabilitation
Integrating payment programmes into a larger strategy to promote sustainable livelihoods and long-term ecosystem conservation
Using a flexible approach for defining conservation and production areas based on local knowledge
Adoption of innovative technology
"Action learning" and monitoring to increase capacities and knowledge
Increased environmental and social resilience through mangrove restoration
Strengthening governance for adaptation
Capitalising on best practices of similar projects
Vulnerability assessments for integrated bottom-up planning
Community-based implementation of EbA measures
Climate-change adapted plants - Olive ssp.
Creating a sense of belonging to local ecosystems
Increasing community self-organization
Creating adaptive capacity as a buffer against risk
Rehabilitating channels and hydrological flows in mangroves
Mainstream Eco-DRR into local and national development planning processes
Field interventions at the village level
Develop local and national capacity for Eco-DRR
Support provincial and national level advocacy on Eco-DRR
Integrated Water Demand Management
Experimenting new methods, ideas, and approaches in limited area
Combining approaches: EbA and new technologies
High quality baseline assessment and monitoring scheme
Establishment of an inclusive partnership for steering action
Implementation of experimental restoration techniques
National Climate change response policy enables local level implementation
Vulnerability assessments and EbA priority maps integrated into local policy and planning that include an index for monitoring
Ecoranger programme and DEA land user incentive programme
Research: Theoretical and technical foundations
Coordination: Capacity development and governance
Action: Mangrove restoration laboratories
Achieving multi-dimensional governance for adaptation
Achieving participatory governance for adaptation
Achieving flexible governance for adaptation
Achieving ecosystem approach for adaptation
"Action learning" and monitoring to increase capacities and knowledge
Community implementation of adaptation measures in forests and agroforestry systems
Revitalizing governance for adaptation
“Action learning” and monitoring to increase capacities and knowledge
Community ownership of adaptation measures based on ecosystems and biodiversity
Scaling-up and sustainability of adaptation measures