Transforming perceptions on ecosystem-livelihood connection

Local communities have not always welcomed, in every case, the creation of new protected areas. It is important to raise awareness among local communities about the connection between ecosystems conservation and local livelihoods. To do so, the authorities need to be able to create a sense of identity and belonging towards the protected ecosystems, rather than a sense of exclusion. The solution in Marismas Nacionales, Nayarit Biosphere Reserve is a long-term effort with intensive community support and mentoring by CONANP fieldworkers. The strategy has been focused on changing perceptions of the community. This approach has had the additional effect of influencing the institutions that govern the protected area, generating a better shared understanding of effective and sustainable support for both mangrove rehabilitation and local livelihoods. In this way, the community and CONANP´s staff have joined forces to ensure that local needs are met by rehabilitating the mangroves from a more territorially, and livelihood, coherent perspective, rather than an administrative one. Changed perceptions have become a more important driver of positive community action than just payments for ecosystem services or subsidies.

a) Existing cooperatives to lead change processes on behalf of communities;

b) capacity to monitor benefits from diverse initiatives;

c) good management of the NGO network and permanent presence of field workers for capacity development;

d) financial resources to nurture fishermen’s organizational capabilities up to the point where they are self-organized;

e) open-minded government authorities.

a) An important factor in changing minds of local communities is the involvement of women and children in awareness raising, planning and negotiation activities;

b) creating alternatives for migrating from the reserve helps to underscore the importance of maintaining local ecosystems;

c) being able to demonstrate quick and tangible benefits as a result of ecosystem maintenance or through the introduction of sustainable practices helps enormously to convince communities. Strengthening sustainable fishing practices can provide this type of quick results.