Rehabilitation of coastal areas through agroforestry reforestation

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Rehabilitation of coastal areas through agroforestry reforestation
Gervais Munyororo Yade
To cope with the loss of aquatic biodiversity, PAEDE (Program to support Arable and Livestock Farmers for Local Development) formed the local community in sustainable techniques of agronomy and aims to raise the political, administrative and traditional awareness. The goal is to adopt fishing regulations, to incorporate coastal areas in protected areas and to facilitate the adoption of a law for their management.
Last update: 07 Nov 2022
Challenges addressed
Land and Forest degradation
Loss of Biodiversity
Ecosystem loss
Unsustainable harvesting incl. Overfishing
Lack of alternative income opportunities
Lack of technical capacity
Lack of public and decision maker’s awareness
Poor governance and participation
Lack of food security
Deforestation, unsustainable fishing in Lake Kivu and habitat destruction. Overfishing, use of unsuitable nets and poor control of fishing activities by maritime services have led to a decrease of the fry stock in waters of Lake Kivu. A depletion of the algae population can also be attributed to their overexploitation by farmers, who use them for weaving mats. The private sale of coastal areas, and activities (deforestation, agriculture) threaten the integrity of the zone.
Scale of implementation
Coastal forest
Local actors
Coastal and marine spatial management
Fisheries and aquaculture
Lake Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
West and Central Africa
Summary of the process
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: ‘Réhabilitation des espaces côtiers par le reboisement agro forestier” from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Building Blocks
Capacity-building of local people in agroforestry
Agricultural technicians formed the population in the sustainable use of land, tree planting, charcoal production and crop management.
Enabling factors
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: ‘Réhabilitation des espaces côtiers par le reboisement agro forestier” from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Lesson learned
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: ‘Réhabilitation des espaces côtiers par le reboisement agro forestier” from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Awareness-raising of local authorities
Awareness-raising of political, administrative, customary and local authorities and the public on the implementation of the law on water.
Enabling factors
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: ‘Réhabilitation des espaces côtiers par le reboisement agro forestier” from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Lesson learned
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: ‘Réhabilitation des espaces côtiers par le reboisement agro forestier” from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Climate Change Mitigation through reforestation
Since 2009, reforestation and installation of bee hives to reduce pressures from local communities on coastal resources.
Enabling factors
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: ‘Réhabilitation des espaces côtiers par le reboisement agro forestier” from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Lesson learned
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: ‘Réhabilitation des espaces côtiers par le reboisement agro forestier” from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: ‘Réhabilitation des espaces côtiers par le reboisement agro forestier” from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Farmers in the Kabuno Golf, islands fishermen, farmers, breeders, dealers or traders enrolled in the coastal markets of Goma, Bukavu and Gisenyi in Rwanda, and large landowners exploiting coastal areas.
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: ‘Réhabilitation des espaces côtiers par le reboisement agro forestier” from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
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