Partnerships with local partners
Building capacity of local partners
Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Climate-Smart Agricultural Measures
Rewilding for restoring key species and their ecological roles in a degraded ecosystem
Large Parks creation
Community prosperity through developing nature-based tourism
Collaborations and partnerships
Ecosystem Discovery
Community-level ecosystem management institution (active and regularly engaging with the community the community they represent)
Eco-credit/MKUBA groups (formed and trained to issue loans to their member and track their repayment)
Monitoring system for repayments and environmental compliance (established and operational)
Fortalecimiento de la institucionalidad y la organización comunal
Fortalecimiento de capacidades y conocimientos locales
Mejoramiento de infraestructura hídrica verde- gris
Reintroduction of a Siamese Crocodile population in Bau Sau lake, Cat Tien National Park
Mitigation of human pressures on the park’s natural resources
Interagency cooperation
Direct, fast and flexible external funding support for law enforcement and related needs
Use of all available technologies and tools
Strategic planning and innovative action
Educación como una herramienta para la conservación
Herramientas de los gobiernos locales para la gestión local de áreas protegidas
Valuing traditional knowledge
Trainings designed to build capacity and awareness among the various stakeholders