Alternatives to mangrove degradation and improvement of women well-being

Focused on women-led restoration of the degraded mangroves of the Equatorial African Rainforest, OPED is transforming the local fishing industry by providing energy-efficient alternatives to cutting down trees to smoke fish, a primary driver of mangrove forest loss in the region. New processing techniques are ensuring the regeneration and conservation of local mangrove forests while reducing the amount of time spent foraging for wood, as well as the frequency of respiratory illness.
Défis à relever
Building Blocks
Data collection and participatory identification of problems
Enabling factors
Lesson learned
Women capacity-building and exchange of experiences
Enabling factors
Lesson learned
Community management
Enabling factors
Lesson learned
Alternative livelihoods
Enabling factors
Lesson learned
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: ‘Alternative à la dégradation des mangroves et mieux-être des femmes’” from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.
Only available in French. To read this section in French, please download the document "Blue Solution Template in French: ‘Alternative à la dégradation des mangroves et mieux-être des femmes’” from the bottom of this page, under 'Resources'.