Budget modeling has been incorporated into the plant’s management model. With CORAL’s support, Polo’s Water Board has been able to design its annual budget based on different economic scenarios that range from the financial needs to ensure operations remain at full capacity to budgeting based on austerity measures due to reduced revenue.
Coral and Polo's Water Board are also collaborating on creating a strategy to diversify income sources by engaging with new partners and donors and the potential commercialization of the treatment process (sludge composting).
CORAL’s commitment to supporting sanitation best practices and its expertise in guiding sustainable financing initiatives for non-profits and community organizations.
Establishment of a flexible funding model that allows partners to apply to additional funding during the execution of a grant and scheduling deliverables based on realistic and sustainable timeframes.
- If possible, plant operators should work on annual cash flow and financial needs projections to identify potential shortcomings or to plan their growth.
- It's important to identify and invest in technologies that can offer a high degree of efficiency. This will reduce the cost of maintenance and the need to reinvest in high-cost replacements. It is also important to ensure that more commercial/easy to access brands & technologies are considered to facilitate reparations.
- It is essential for operators and communities to have access to funding that will allow them to acquire complementary equipment to increase the effectiveness of sanitation and wastewater treatment plants. West End's Waterboard fundraised to buy a small truck to facilitate mobilization of field staff, carrying supplies, tools and reduce transportation costs.