Sanctuary Advisory Council Charter
Participatory management plan development, review,evaluation
Participatory working groups under leadership of councils
Scientific research and monitoring
Conservation and management
Science popularization and education
Knowledge mobilisation
Water, soil and environmental conservation
Self-organisation for improved governance
Developing alliances and integration of local to national levels
Drinking water systems rehabilitation and disaster preparedness
Vulnerability Assessments for Socio-ecological Systems
EbA Capacity Development Strategy and Trainings
Integrating EbA into the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process for the revision of the National Land-use Plan for 2016 – 2020
Integrating EbA into Provincial Climate Change Response Plans
Integrating Climate Change (CC) and Ecosystem Services (ES) into the draft Planning Bill
Strengthening of local organizations
Taking care of the farms and landscape
Recovery of rituals associated with the conservation and use of water
Stakeholders involvement and participation
Community exchange visits
Community based action plans
Building an inclusive policy
Focus on market development
Potential as a Transferable Model
Methodological approach for integrating climate change and EbA measures into protected area management planning
Institutional anchoring and broad-scaling
Participatory process design and implementation
Community participation in planning, construction and maintenance
Combination of green and grey technologies
Collaboration with forestry enterprise
Climate Atlas
Green spaces and corridors
Land Use Plan
KLIPPS - Evaluation method for the human-biometeorological quality of urban areas facing summer heat
Stakeholder participation and partnership
The ecosystem approach into practice
Achieving multidimensional governance for adaptation
Achieving participatory governance for adaptation
Achieving multi-dimensional and participatory governance for adaptation
Achieving governance for adaptation with an ecosystem approach
Análisis de capacidad y vulnerabilidad climática en la cuenca del río Shulllcas
Reforestación y conservación de praderas y pastizales naturales para promover la retención del agua
Mejoramiento de las prácticas del empleo del agua para compensar la menor disponibilidad del agua para la agricultura
Mejoramiento de las prácticas de uso del agua en áreas urbanas
Promoción de un mecanismo de retribución de servicios ecosistémicos
Coordination intersectorielle par le biais de dialogues interministériels et multipartites
Renforcement des capacités des acteurs
Développement d'une stratégie nationale de restauration des paysages forestiers
Analyse spatiale multicritère pour la hiérarchisation des paysages pour la restauration