Shared governance process
Technical capacity building
Stakeholder coordination structure
Education and communication
Participatory land planning
Building trust and meaningful relationships
Strengthening Capacity for Collective Action and Informed Decision-Making
Participation throughout the process
Integrating scientific data and traditional knowledge to inform management
Conservation plan built on local and scientific knowledge
Consultative establishment of protected area sites
Continued collaboration between all stakeholders
Coordinated monitoring of protected areas
Overseeing implementation of the network
Support in developing alternative livelihoods
Community assessment
Peer-to-peer learning exchange
Collaborative closure design
Collaborative regulation setting
Community-based opening of closures
Standardized country methodology for regular habitat mapping
Habitat mapping layer
Community organization
Rehabilitation and strengthening of traditional rules
Broad discussion of the community rules with the community
Declaration of an Indigenous Community Conserved Area (ICCA)
Monitoring of the comeback of the "good life"
Capacity building for participatory MPA management
Viable economic alternatives
Partnership approach to monitoring
Enforcement programme
Foundation establishment
Endowment Fund
Conservation management plan
Consensus on natural resource use
Management plan for the National Park
Education campaigns
Roles and responsibilities within National Parks
Thematic workshops for fishermen
Success through involvement of local communities
Integration of fisherfolk
Community beach clean-ups
Community beach patrols
Public rewards for best actions
Antongil Bay Fisheries Co-Management Plan (ABFMP)
The Dinabe: A social convention between local communities
Control and Surveillance Committee (CCS)
Ressource use associations
Mangrove management plan
Capacity building
Mangrove reforestation
Community-based ecotourism
Sponge aquaculture as an alternative means of income
Evaluation of suitable sponge species
Setting-up a sponge farm
Development of independent business models
Ecosystem-based Management Science Program
Social and political support and partnership
Development of ecologically connected co-managed MPA network
Adequate capacity and co-management institutions
Private sector engagement
Sustainable financing strategy