Advocacy for development

Implementation of advocacy among various stakeholders was very vital in the creation of awareness on sustainable plastic management. As part of the project, there was a communication awareness campaign as well as nine open-air events to encourage the reduction or better management of plastic waste at source.

  • Knowledge transfer workshops were held every quarter to update various stakeholders on the extent of the implementation of the waste management strategies, including sharing targets.
  • Capacity building workshops were critical to access information as well as to agree on targets, which harnessed accountability for their achievement.
  • Campaigns were very critical in enhancing awareness of waste segregation at source, including rally community groups to be change agents.
  • Develop networks and sustain them through constant communication and updates as well as incentives for impetus.
  • Enhance local capacities to make actors of change and own the project by outlining its benefits.
  • Support partners to be agents and allies of sustainable waste management, including the development of implementation plans together.