Building cross-sectoral partnerships

The implementation of this solution has only been possible thanks to a unique cross-sectoral partnership established in the framework of the Tech4Nature initiative in Spain. The partnership was composed of local authorities (Diputació de Barcelona), park technicians, rangers and managers (Sant Llorenç del Munt i l’Obac), nature conservation experts (IUCN Med), IT company (Huawei), GPS specialists (Parés&Bosch), and camera monitoring specialists (Miranatura). The partnership is continuously expanding, and it is expected that research teams and universities will join the partnership in the near future, bringing in their expertise and experience.

In order to make a successful cross-sectoral partnership, the scope of involvement of each partner should be clarified from the very beginning. The local ownership of the solution is a fundamental factor to ensure its success in the long run.

Partners need to be engaged from the very beginning of the solution to ensure a true co-creation process. Nonetheless, the partnership needs to be open to eventual changes in its composition that can lead to further progress and improvements. The local ownership of the solution is what will ensure its long-term sustainability.